Letter P

python39-latexcodec - A lexer and codec to work with LaTeX code in Python

Website: https://latexcodec.readthedocs.io
License: MIT AND BSD-2-Clause
Vendor: Alcance Libre, Inc.
The codec provides a convenient way of going between text written in
LaTeX and unicode. Since it is not a LaTeX compiler, it is more
appropriate for short chunks of text, such as a paragraph or the
values of a BibTeX entry, and it is not appropriate for a full LaTeX
document. In particular, its behavior on the LaTeX commands that do
not simply select characters is intended to allow the unicode
representation to be understandable by a human reader, but is not
canonical and may require hand tuning to produce the desired effect.

The encoder does a best effort to replace unicode characters outside
of the range used as LaTeX input (ascii by default) with a LaTeX
command that selects the character. More technically, the unicode code
point is replaced by a LaTeX command that selects a glyph that
reasonably represents the code point. Unicode characters with special
uses in LaTeX are replaced by their LaTeX equivalents.


python39-latexcodec-3.0.0-1.aldos.noarch [29 KiB] Changelog by Joel Barrios (2024-07-25):
- Initial spec file.

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-6.fc14.al