Letter W

wemux - Multi-user terminal multiplexing utility

Website: https://github.com/zolrath/wemux
License: MIT
Vendor: Alcance Libre, Inc.
Wemux enhances tmux to make multi-user terminal multiplexing both easier and
more powerful. It allows users to host a wemux server and have clients join
in either:

**Mirror Mode** gives clients (another SSH user on your machine) read-only
access to the session, allowing them to see you work, or

**Pair Mode** allows the client and yourself to work in the same terminal
(shared cursor)

**Rogue Mode** allows the client to pair or work independently in another
window (separate cursors) in the same tmux session.

It features multi-server support as well as user listing
and notifications when users attach/detach.


wemux-3.2.0-2.aldos.noarch [15 KiB] Changelog by Joel Barrios (2023-01-17):
- Added ability to specify groups of users who are hosts.

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-6.fc14.al