Letter N
Packages beginning with letter "N".
- Nestopia - A portable open source NES/Famicom emulator
- NetworkManager - Network connection manager and user applications
- NetworkManager-fortisslvpn - NetworkManager VPN plugin for Fortinet compatible SSLVPN
- NetworkManager-l2tp - NetworkManager VPN plugin for L2TP and L2TP/IPSec
- NetworkManager-openconnect - NetworkManager VPN plugin for openconnect
- NetworkManager-openswan - NetworkManager VPN plug-in for openswan and libreswan
- NetworkManager-openvpn - NetworkManager VPN plugin for OpenVPN
- NetworkManager-pptp - NetworkManager VPN plugin for PPTP
- NetworkManager-strongswan - NetworkManager strongSwan IPSec VPN plug-in
- NetworkManager-vpnc - NetworkManager VPN plugin for vpnc
- nDPI - Open Source Deep Packet Inspection Software Toolkit
- nacl - Networking and Cryptography library
- nafees-naskh-fonts - Nafees naskh font for writing Urdu in the Naskh script with full aerab support
- nafees-nastaleeq-fonts - Nafees nastaleeq font for writing Urdu in the Nastaleeq script
- nafees-pakistani-naskh-fonts - Nafees pakistani naskh font for writing Urdu in the Naskh script
- nafees-pakistani-web-naskh-fonts - Nafees pakistani web naskh font for writing Urdu
- nafees-riqa-fonts - Nafees riqa font for writing Urdu in the Riqa script
- nafees-tehreer-naskh-fonts - Nafees tehreer naskh font for writing Urdu in the Naskh script
- nafees-web-naskh-fonts - Nafees Web font for writing Urdu in the Naskh script
- nagi - An interpreter for AGI games
- nagios - Host/service/network monitoring program
- nagios-plugins - Host/service/network monitoring program plugins for Nagios
- nagios-plugins-bdii - Nagios Plugin - check_bdii_entries
- nagios-plugins-bonding - Nagios plugin to monitor Linux bonding interfaces
- nagios-plugins-openmanage - Nagios plugin to monitor hardware health on Dell servers
- nagios-plugins-snmp-disk-proc - Nagios SNMP plugins to monitor remote disk and processes
- nailer - A thumbnail generator using mplayer
- nanny - An easy way to control what your kids are doing in the computer.
- nano - A small text editor
- nant - NAnt is a build tool for Mono and .NET
- nas - The Network Audio System (NAS)
- nasc - Do maths like a normal person
- nasm - A portable x86 assembler which uses Intel-like syntax
- naturette - An AGI adventure game
- nautilus - File manager for GNOME
- nautilus-python - Python bindings for Nautilus
- nauty - Graph canonical labeling and automorphism group computation
- naver-nanum-fonts - Nanum family of Korean TrueType fonts
- naver-nanum-gothic-coding-fonts - Nanum Gothic Coding family of Korean TrueType fonts
- navilu-fonts - Free Kannada opentype sans-serif font
- nazghul - A computer role-playing game (CRPG) engine
- nbd - Network Block Device user-space tools (TCP version)
- nbtscan - Tool to gather NetBIOS info from Windows networks
- ncdc - Modern and lightweight direct connect client
- ncdu - Text-based disk usage viewer
- ncftp - Improved console FTP client
- ncl - NCAR Command Language and NCAR Graphics
- ncmpc - A minimalist command line interface to MPD
- nco - Suite of programs for manipulating NetCDF/HDF4 files
- ncompress - Fast compression and decompression utilities
- ncurses - Ncurses support utilities
- ndctl - Manage "libnvdimm" subsystem devices (Non-volatile Memory)
- ndesk-dbus - Managed C# implementation of DBus
- ndesk-dbus-glib - Provides glib mainloop integration for ndesk-dbus
- ndisc6 - IPv6 diagnostic tools
- ndiswrapper - Ndiswrapper wraps around Windows WLAN drivers within Linux
- ndiswrapper-kmod - Ndiswrapper kernel module
- ne - Easy to use text editor based on the POSIX standard
- neXtaw - Modified version of the Athena Widgets with N*XTSTEP appearance
- neatvnc - A liberally licensed VNC server library
- nec2c - Translation of NEC2 antenna modeling tool from FORTRAN to C
- nedit - A GUI text editor for systems with X
- nekohtml - HTML scanner and tag balancer
- nemo - File manager for Cinnamon
- nemo-extensions - Extensions for Nemo
- neochat - Client for matrix, the decentralized communication protocol
- neofetch - CLI system information tool written in Bash
- neoleo - Lightweight curses spreadsheet based on GNU oleo
- neon - An HTTP and WebDAV client library
- neovim - Vim-fork focused on extensibility and agility
- neovim-qt - Qt5 Neovim client library and GUI
- nes_ntsc - Provides a NES NTSC video filtering library
- net-snmp - A collection of SNMP protocol tools and libraries
- net-tools - Basic networking tools
- net6 - A TCP protocol abstraction for library C++
- netcalc - Simplified clone of sipcalc with ipcalc looks
- netcdf - Libraries for the Unidata network Common Data Form
- netcdf-cxx - Legacy netCDF C++ library
- netcdf-fortran - Fortran libraries for NetCDF-4
- netcdf-perl - Perl extension module for scientific data access via the netCDF API
- netcf - Cross-platform network configuration library
- netgen - LVS netlist comparison tool for VLSI
- nethack - A rogue-like single player dungeon exploration game
- nethack-vultures - NetHack - Vulture's Eye and Vulture's Claw
- nethogs - A tool resembling top for network traffic
- netmonitor - The free linux network bandwidth monitor
- netpanzer - An Online Multiplayer Tactical Warfare Game
- netpbm - A library for handling different graphics file formats
- netsed - A tool to modify network packets
- netsniff-ng - Packet sniffing beast
- netstat-monitor - A command line tool to monitor network connections
- netstat-nat - A tool that displays NAT connections
- netsurf - A multi-platform web browser
- netsurf-buildsystem - Makefiles shared by NetSurf projects
- netsurf-ci - NetSurf Web Browser (Continious Integration edition)
- nettle2 - A low-level cryptographic library
- nettle34 - A low-level cryptographic library
- nettle36 - A low-level cryptographic library
- network-manager-applet - A network control and status applet for NetworkManager
- neverball - Common files for neverball and neverputt
- newt - A library for text mode user interfaces
- newtonsoft-json - Popular high-performance JSON framework
- nextcloud - Private file sync and share server
- nextcloud-client - The Nextcloud Client
- nfdump - NetFlow collecting and processing tools
- nfoview - A viewer for NFO files
- nfs-utils - NFS utilities and supporting clients and daemons for the kernel NFS server
- nfs4-acl-tools - The nfs4 ACL tools
- nfsometer - NFS Performance Framework Tool
- nftables - Netfilter Tables userspace utilites
- nghttp2 - Experimental HTTP/2 client, server and proxy
- nghttp3 - HTTP/3 library written in C
- nginx - A high performance web server and reverse proxy server
- ngircd - Next Generation IRC Daemon
- ngrep - Network layer grep tool
- ngspice - A mixed level/signal circuit simulator
- ngtcp2 - Implementation of IETF QUIC protocol
- nicotine+ - A graphical client for Soulseek
- nifticlib - A set of i/o libraries for reading and writing files in the nifti-1 data format
- nikto - Web server scanner
- nilfs-utils - Utilities for managing NILFS v2 filesystems
- ninja-build - A small build system with a focus on speed
- ninvaders - Space Invaders clone written in ncurses for cli gaming
- nitrogen - Background browser and setter for X windows
- nitroshare - Transfer files from one device to another made extremely simple
- njam - Maze-game, eat all the cookies while avoiding the badguys
- nkf - A Kanji code conversion filter
- nload - A tool can monitor network traffic and bandwidth usage in real time
- nm-tray - NetworkManager tray icon
- nmap - Network exploration tool and security scanner
- nml - NewGRF Meta Language compiler
- nmon - Nigel's performance Monitor for Linux
- nnn - The missing terminal file browser for X
- no-more-secrets - A recreation of the 'decrypting text' effect from the 1992 movie Sneakers
- nodejs - JavaScript runtime
- nodejs-Base64 - Base64 encoding and decoding
- nodejs-JSV - JSON Schema Validator
- nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
- nodejs-accepts - Node.js module for content type negiotation
- nodejs-acorn - ECMAScript parser
- nodejs-acorn-dynamic-import - Support dynamic imports in acorn
- nodejs-acorn-jsx - Alternative, faster React.js JSX parser
- nodejs-acorn-object-spread - Support object spread in acorn
- nodejs-after - Nodejs module which provides after flow control
- nodejs-agent-base - Turn a function into an `http.Agent` instance
- nodejs-agentkeepalive - Missing keep-alive http.Agent
- nodejs-ain2 - A Node.js module for syslog logging (and a continuation of ain)
- nodejs-align-text - Align the text in a string
- nodejs-alter - Alters a string
- nodejs-amdefine - Provide AMD's define() API for declaring modules in the AMD format
- nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
- nodejs-ansi-bgblack - The color bgblack, in ansi
- nodejs-ansi-bgblue - The color bgblue, in ansi
- nodejs-ansi-bgcyan - The color bgcyan, in ansi
- nodejs-ansi-bggreen - The color bggreen, in ansi
- nodejs-ansi-bgmagenta - The color bgmagenta, in ansi
- nodejs-ansi-bgred - The color bgred, in ansi
- nodejs-ansi-bgwhite - The color bgwhite, in ansi
- nodejs-ansi-bgyellow - The color bgyellow, in ansi
- nodejs-ansi-black - The color black, in ansi
- nodejs-ansi-blue - The color blue, in ansi
- nodejs-ansi-bold - The color bold, in ansi
- nodejs-ansi-colors - Collection of ansi colors and styles
- nodejs-ansi-cyan - The color cyan, in ansi
- nodejs-ansi-dim - The color dim, in ansi
- nodejs-ansi-escapes - ANSI escape codes for manipulating the terminal
- nodejs-ansi-font - ANSI font styling utils
- nodejs-ansi-gray - The color gray, in ansi
- nodejs-ansi-green - The color green, in ansi
- nodejs-ansi-grey - The color grey, in ansi
- nodejs-ansi-hidden - The color hidden, in ansi
- nodejs-ansi-inverse - The color inverse, in ansi
- nodejs-ansi-italic - The color italic, in ansi
- nodejs-ansi-magenta - The color magenta, in ansi
- nodejs-ansi-red - The color red, in ansi
- nodejs-ansi-regex - Regular expression for matching ANSI escape codes
- nodejs-ansi-reset - The color reset, in ansi
- nodejs-ansi-strikethrough - The color strikethrough, in ansi
- nodejs-ansi-styles - ANSI escape codes for colorizing strings in the terminal
- nodejs-ansi-underline - The color underline, in ansi
- nodejs-ansi-white - The color white, in ansi
- nodejs-ansi-wrap - Create ansi colors by passing the open and close codes
- nodejs-ansi-yellow - The color yellow, in ansi
- nodejs-ansicolors - Functions that surround a string with ansi color codes so it prints in color
- nodejs-ansidiff - ANSI colored text diffs
- nodejs-ansistyles - Functions that surround a string with ansistyle codes so it prints in style
- nodejs-any-path - Make the keys on an object path.sep agnostic
- nodejs-any-promise - Resolve any installed ES6 compatible promise
- nodejs-ap - Currying in javascript
- nodejs-append-field - A W3C HTML JSON forms spec compliant field appender
- nodejs-append-transform - Install a transform to `require.extensions` that always runs last
- nodejs-aproba - Function argument validator
- nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
- nodejs-are-we-there-yet - Keep track of the overall completion of many disparate processes
- nodejs-argparse - A native port of Python's argparse, an options parsing library
- nodejs-argsparser - A tiny command line arguments parser
- nodejs-arr-diff - Returns an array with only the unique values from the first array
- nodejs-arr-exclude - Exclude certain items from an array
- nodejs-arr-flatten - Recursively flatten an array or arrays
- nodejs-arr-union - Combines a list of arrays, returning a single array with unique values
- nodejs-array-buffer-from-string - Create an ArrayBuffer with the [raw bytes][javascript-encoding] from a String
- nodejs-array-differ - Find values that are only present in the first input array
- nodejs-array-events - Events and more for arrays
- nodejs-array-filter - Array#filter for older browsers
- nodejs-array-find - ES6 Array.find ponyfill
- nodejs-array-find-index - ES2015 `Array#findIndex()` ponyfill
- nodejs-array-flatten - Flatten an array of nested arrays into a single flat array
- nodejs-array-foreach - Array#forEach ponyfill for older browsers
- nodejs-array-ify - Turn anything into an array
- nodejs-array-index - Invoke getter/setter functions on array-like objects
- nodejs-array-map - `[].map(f)` for older browsers
- nodejs-array-reduce - `[].reduce()` for old browsers
- nodejs-array-union - Create an array of unique values, in order, from the input arrays
- nodejs-array-uniq - Create an array without duplicates
- nodejs-array-unique - Return an array free of duplicate values
- nodejs-arraybuffer-dot-slice - Exports a function for slicing ArrayBuffers (no polyfilling)
- nodejs-arraybuffer-equal - Determines if two array buffers contain the exact same content
- nodejs-arrify - Convert a value to an array
- nodejs-as-number - Tiny function that returns the given number, or a default value
- nodejs-asap - High-priority task queue for Node.js and browser
- nodejs-ascii-tree - A node module for generating a text tree in ASCII
- nodejs-asn1 - Contains parsers and serializers for ASN.1 (currently BER only)
- nodejs-assert-plus - Extra assertions on top of node's assert module
- nodejs-assertion-error - Error constructor for test and validation frameworks
- nodejs-assume - Expect-like assertions that works seamlessly in node and browsers
- nodejs-ast-traverse - Simple but flexible AST traversal
- nodejs-ast-types - Esprima-compatible implementation of the Mozilla JS Parser API
- nodejs-astral - AST tooling framework for JavaScript
- nodejs-astral-angular-annotate - AngularJS DI annotation pass for astral
- nodejs-astral-pass - Pass system for Astral
- nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
- nodejs-async-array-reduce - Async reduce
- nodejs-async-arrays - Async control for arrays
- nodejs-async-cache - Cache your async lookups and don't fetch the same thing more than necessary
- nodejs-async-each - Async parallel forEach / map function for JavaScript
- nodejs-async-limiter - An asynchronous function queue with adjustable concurrency
- nodejs-async-queue - Simple FIFO queue to execute async functions linear
- nodejs-async-some - Short-circuited, asynchronous version of Array.prototype.some
- nodejs-asynckit - Minimal async jobs utility library, with streams support
- nodejs-atob - An atob function for Node.JS and Linux / Mac / Windows CLI
- nodejs-auto-bind - Automatically bind methods to their class instance
- nodejs-autoresolve - A simple module to auto resolve module paths
- nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
- nodejs-aws-sign2 - Node.js module for AWS signing
- nodejs-aws4 - Signs and prepares requests using AWS Signature Version 4
- nodejs-babel-code-frame - Generate errors that contain a code frame that point to source locations
- nodejs-babel-plugin-syntax-async-functions - Allow parsing of async functions
- nodejs-babel-plugin-syntax-async-generators - Allow parsing of async generator functions
- nodejs-babylon - A JavaScript parser
- nodejs-backbone - Models, Views, Collections, and Events for JavaScript applications (Nodejs module)
- nodejs-backoff - Fibonacci and exponential backoffs
- nodejs-balanced-match - Match balanced character pairs, like "{" and "}"
- nodejs-base - Framework for rapidly creating node.js applications, using plugins
- nodejs-base-plugins - Adds smart plugin support to your base application
- nodejs-base32-encode - Base32 encoder with support for multiple variants.
- nodejs-base64-js - Base64 encoding/decoding in pure JS
- nodejs-base64-url - Base64 encode, decode, escape and unescape for URL applications
- nodejs-base64id - Generates a base64 id
- nodejs-bash-match - Match strings using bash, does not work on windows
- nodejs-basic-auth - Generic basic auth Authorization header field parser for whatever
- nodejs-basic-auth-connect - Basic authentication middleware for Node.js and Connect
- nodejs-basic-auth-parser - Parse Basic Auth Authorization HTTP headers
- nodejs-batch - Asynchronous batch module with concurrency control and progress reporting
- nodejs-bcrypt - A bcrypt library for NodeJS
- nodejs-beeper - Make your terminal beep
- nodejs-better-assert - C-style assert() for Node.js
- nodejs-better-than-before - Better setup for tests
- nodejs-bignumber-js - Library for arbitrary-precision decimal and non-decimal arithmetic
- nodejs-bind-obj-methods - Bind methods to an object from that object or some other source
- nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
- nodejs-bit-mask - A utility for manipulating bit masks
- nodejs-bl - A Node.js Buffer list collector, reader and streamer
- nodejs-blob - Abstracts out Blob and uses BlobBulder in cases where it is supported
- nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
- nodejs-bluebird - Full featured Promises/A+ implementation
- nodejs-body-parser - Node.js body parsing middleware
- nodejs-boolbase - Two functions: One that returns true, one that returns false
- nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
- nodejs-bower - A package manager for the web
- nodejs-brace-expansion - Brace expansion as known from sh/bash
- nodejs-braces - Fastest brace expansion for node.js
- nodejs-breakable - Break out of functions
- nodejs-browser-request - Browser port of the Node.js 'request' package
- nodejs-browser-stdout - A process.stdout for your browser
- nodejs-bson - A bson parser for node.js and the browser
- nodejs-buble - The blazing fast, batteries-included ES2015 compiler
- nodejs-buf-compare - Node.js 0.12 Buffer.compare() ponyfill
- nodejs-buffer-crc32 - A pure JavaScript CRC32 algorithm that plays nice with binary data
- nodejs-buffer-equal - Returns whether two buffers are equal
- nodejs-buffer-shims - Some shims for node buffers
- nodejs-buffer-writer - Read binary packets...
- nodejs-buffertools - Working with node.js buffers made easy
- nodejs-bufferutil - WebSocket buffer utils
- nodejs-builtin-modules - List of the Node.js builtin modules
- nodejs-builtins - List of node.js builtin modules
- nodejs-bundle-dependencies - Generates bundledDependencies package.json value
- nodejs-bunker - Code coverage in native JavaScript
- nodejs-burrito - Wrap up expressions with a trace function while walking the AST
- nodejs-busboy - A streaming parser for HTML form data for node.js
- nodejs-byline - Simple line-by-line stream reader
- nodejs-bytes - Utility to parse a string bytes to bytes and vice-versa
- nodejs-cache-base - Basic object cache with get, set, del, and has methods
- nodejs-caching-transform - Wraps a transform and provides caching
- nodejs-call-matcher - ECMAScript CallExpression matcher made from function/method signature
- nodejs-call-me-maybe - Let your JS API users either give you a callback or receive a promise
- nodejs-call-signature - Parse / Generate Method Signatures
- nodejs-callback-stream - A pipeable stream that calls your callback
- nodejs-caller-callsite - Get the callsite of the caller function
- nodejs-caller-path - Get the path of the caller module
- nodejs-callsite - Provides access to V8's "raw" CallSites from Node.js
- nodejs-callsites - Get callsites from the V8 stack trace API
- nodejs-camel-case - Camel case a string
- nodejs-camelcase - Convert a dash/dot/underscore/space separated string to camelCase
- nodejs-camelcase-keys - Convert object keys to camelCase
- nodejs-caniuse-db - Raw browser/feature support data from caniuse.com
- nodejs-capture-stack-trace - Error.captureStackTrace ponyfill
- nodejs-carrier - Evented stream line reader for node.js
- nodejs-caseless - Encode and decode streams into string streams
- nodejs-center-align - Center-align the text in a string
- nodejs-chai - BDD/TDD assertion library for Node.js and the browser
- nodejs-chai-as-promised - Extends Chai with assertions about promises
- nodejs-chai-connect-middleware - Helpers for testing Connect middleware with Chai
- nodejs-chai-json-schema - Chai plugin for JSON Schema v4
- nodejs-chai-oauth2orize-grant - Helpers for testing OAuth2orize grants with the Chai assertion library
- nodejs-chai-passport-strategy - Helpers for testing Passport strategies with Chai
- nodejs-chai-spies-next - Spies for the Chai assertion library
- nodejs-chainer - Super simple and lightweight function chain
- nodejs-chainsaw - Build chainable fluent interfaces the easy way
- nodejs-chalk - Terminal string styling done right
- nodejs-change-case - Convert a string between camelCase, PascalCase, Title Case, snake_case and more
- nodejs-char-spinner - Node.js char spinner
- nodejs-character-parser - Parse JavaScript one character at a time to look for snippets in templates
- nodejs-chardet - Character detection tool for NodeJS
- nodejs-charenc - Character encoding utilities
- nodejs-charm - ANSI control sequences for terminal cursor hopping and colors
- nodejs-check-env - Makes sure that all required environment variables are set
- nodejs-check-error - Error comparison and information related utility for node and the browser
- nodejs-child-process-close - Make child_process objects emit 'close' events
- nodejs-chmodr - Recursively change UNIX file permissions
- nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
- nodejs-chroma-js - JavaScript library for color conversions
- nodejs-chrono - Format dates in JavaScript
- nodejs-ci-info - Get details about the current Continuous Integration environment
- nodejs-circular-json - JSON does not handle circular references. This version does
- nodejs-cjson - Commented JavaScript Object Notation
- nodejs-clap - Command line argument parser
- nodejs-class-utils - Utils for working with JavaScript classes and prototype methods
- nodejs-clean-css - A well-tested CSS minifier
- nodejs-clean-yaml-object - Clean up an object prior to serialization
- nodejs-clear-require - Clear a module from the require cache
- nodejs-cli - Node.js module for rapidly building command line apps
- nodejs-cli-color - Colors, formatting and other tools for the console
- nodejs-cli-spinner - A simple spinner
- nodejs-cli-table - Pretty unicode tables for the CLI
- nodejs-cliui - Easily create complex multi-column command-line-interfaces
- nodejs-clone - Deep cloning of objects and arrays
- nodejs-clone-deep - Recursively (deep) clone types, like Object, Array, RegExp, Date, primitives
- nodejs-clone-stats - Safely clone node's fs.Stats instances without losing their class methods
- nodejs-cls - Class factory
- nodejs-cmd-shim - Used to create executable scripts on Windows and Unix
- nodejs-co - Generator async flow control goodness
- nodejs-co-mocha - Enable support for generators in Mocha tests
- nodejs-co-with-promise - Generator async control flow goodness
- nodejs-coa - Command-Option-Argument: Another parser for command line options
- nodejs-code-point-at - ES2015 String#codePointAt() ponyfill
- nodejs-codemirror - A versatile JS text editor
- nodejs-coffee-coverage - Istanbul and JSCoverage-style instrumentation for CoffeeScript files
- nodejs-collection-visit - Visit a method over items in object, or map visit over objects in array
- nodejs-collections - Data structures with idiomatic JavaScript collection interfaces
- nodejs-color-support - A module which will guess your terminal's level of color support
- nodejs-colors - Get colors in your Node.js console
- nodejs-columnify - Render data in text columns. supports in-column text-wrap
- nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
- nodejs-commander - Node.js command-line interfaces made easy
- nodejs-common-path-prefix - Computes the longest prefix string that is common to each path
- nodejs-commondir - Compute the closest common parent for file paths
- nodejs-commoner - Tool for translating any dialect of JavaScript to Node CommonJS modules
- nodejs-commonmark - A strongly specified, highly compatible variant of Markdown
- nodejs-compare-func - Get a compare function for array to sort
- nodejs-compare-versions - Compare semver version strings to find greater, equal or lesser
- nodejs-component-emitter - An event emitter component for Node.js
- nodejs-component-indexof - A lame indexOf thing
- nodejs-component-inherit - Prototype inheritance utility
- nodejs-compressible - Compressible Content-Type/MIME checking for Node.js
- nodejs-concat-map - Concatenative mapdashery
- nodejs-concat-stream - Writable stream that concatenates data and calls a callback with the result
- nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
- nodejs-connect-livereload - Connect middleware for adding the livereload script to the response
- nodejs-connect-timeout - Timeout middleware for Node.js and Connect
- nodejs-console-browserify - Emulate console for all the browsers
- nodejs-console-dot-log - A console.log implementation that plays nice with large amounts of data
- nodejs-console-group - A basic console.group implementation for node
- nodejs-consolemd - An echomd conversion tool for browsers and console
- nodejs-constant-case - Constant case a string
- nodejs-constantinople - Determine whether a JavaScript expression evaluates to a constant
- nodejs-content-disposition - Create and parse Content-Disposition header
- nodejs-content-type - Create and parse HTTP Content-Type header according to RFC 7231
- nodejs-conventional-changelog-jscs - conventional-changelog jscs preset
- nodejs-conventional-changelog-preset-loader - Configuration preset loader for conventional-changelog
- nodejs-conventional-commits-filter - Filter out reverted commits parsed by conventional-commits-parser
- nodejs-convert-hex - Convert to/from hex string and array of bytes
- nodejs-convert-source-map - Converts a source-map from/to different formats
- nodejs-cookie - Cookie parsing and serialization for Node.js
- nodejs-cookie-jar - A cookie handling and cookie jar library for Node.js
- nodejs-cookie-parser - A Node.js module for cookie parsing with signatures
- nodejs-cookie-signature - Node.js module to sign and unsign cookies
- nodejs-cookiejar - A simple, persistent cookie jar system for Node.js
- nodejs-cookies - Cookies, optionally signed using Keygrip
- nodejs-copy-descriptor - Copy a descriptor from object A to object B
- nodejs-core-js - Standard library
- nodejs-core-util-is - The util.is functions introduced in Node v0.12
- nodejs-corser - CORS middleware for Node.js
- nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in requests to a couchdb server
- nodejs-coveralls - Takes json-cov output into stdin and POSTs to coveralls.io
- nodejs-crc - Various CRC JavaScript implementations
- nodejs-create-error-class - Create Error classes
- nodejs-cross-spawn - Cross platform child_process#spawn and child_process#spawnSync
- nodejs-cross-spawn-async - Cross platform child_process#spawn
- nodejs-crypt - Utilities for encryption and hashing
- nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
- nodejs-csrf - Primary logic behind csrf tokens
- nodejs-css - A CSS parser/stringifier for Node.js using css-parse and css-stringify
- nodejs-css-parse - A JavaScript CSS parser for Node.js and the browser
- nodejs-css-select - A CSS selector compiler/engine
- nodejs-css-stringify - A CSS compiler for Node.js
- nodejs-css-tree - Fast detailed CSS parser
- nodejs-css-what - A CSS selector parser
- nodejs-csslint - CSSLint
- nodejs-csso - CSSO (CSS Optimizer) is a CSS minifier with structural optimisations
- nodejs-cssom - CSS Object Model implementation and CSS parser for Node.js
- nodejs-csurf - CSRF token middleware for Node.js and Connect
- nodejs-csv - CSV parser with simple api, full of options and tested against large datasets
- nodejs-csv-generate - CSV and object generation implementing the Node.js `stream.Readable` API
- nodejs-csv-parse - CSV parsing implementing the Node.js 'stream.Transform' API
- nodejs-csv-spectrum - Some csv test data for writing robust csv parsers
- nodejs-csv-stringify - CSV stringifier implementing the Node.js `stream.Transform` API
- nodejs-ctype - Read and write binary structures and data types with Node.js
- nodejs-currently-unhandled - Track the list of currently unhandled promise rejections
- nodejs-cycle - A Node.js module implementing JSON encoders/decoders in JavaScript
- nodejs-cyclist - Cyclist is an efficient cyclic list implemention
- nodejs-d - Property descriptor factory
- nodejs-dargs - Convert an object of options into an array of command-line arguments
- nodejs-dashdash - A light, featureful and explicit option parsing library for node.js
- nodejs-data-uri-to-buffer - Generate a Buffer instance from a Data URI string
- nodejs-date-now - A requirable version of Date.now()
- nodejs-dateformat - Steven Levithan's excellent dateFormat() function for Node.js
- nodejs-death - Gracefully cleanup when termination signals are sent to your process
- nodejs-debug - A small debugging utility for Node.js
- nodejs-debug-fabulous - The visionmedia debug extensions rolled into one
- nodejs-debug-log - Node.js 0.12 util.debuglog() ponyfill
- nodejs-debuglog - Backport of util.debuglog from node v0.11
- nodejs-decamelize - Convert a camelized string into a lowercased one
- nodejs-decamelize-keys - Convert object keys from camelCase to lowercase with a custom separator
- nodejs-decimal-js - A library for arbitrary-precision arithmetic
- nodejs-decompress-response - Decompress a HTTP response if needed
- nodejs-dedent - An ES6 string tag that strips indentation from multi-line strings
- nodejs-deep-eql - Improved deep equality testing for Node.js and the browser
- nodejs-deep-equal - Node's assert.deepEqual algorithm
- nodejs-deep-extend - Recursive object extending
- nodejs-deep-is - Node's assert.deepEqual algorithm except for NaN being equal to NaN
- nodejs-deeper - JavaScript "deep equality" / structural equality tester
- nodejs-default-require-extensions - Node's default require extensions as a separate module
- nodejs-defaults - Merge single level defaults over a config object
- nodejs-defence - Extract fenced code from CommonMark documents
- nodejs-defence-cli - Command-line tool for extracting fenced code from documents
- nodejs-deferred - Modular and fast Promises implementation for JavaScript
- nodejs-define-properties - Define multiple non-enumerable properties at once
- nodejs-define-property - Define a non-enumerable property on an object
- nodejs-defined - Return the first argument that is '!== undefined'
- nodejs-defs - Static scope analysis and transpilation
- nodejs-degenerator - Turns sync functions into async generator functions
- nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
- nodejs-delegates - Delegate methods and accessors to another property
- nodejs-depd - NodeJS library for displaying deprecation messages to users
- nodejs-deprecated - Tool for deprecating things
- nodejs-destroy - Destroy a stream if possible
- nodejs-detect-file - Detect if a filepath exists and resolves the full filepath
- nodejs-detect-indent - Detect the indentation of code
- nodejs-detect-newline - Detect the dominant newline character of a string
- nodejs-detect-node - Detect Node.JS (as opposite to browser environment) (reliable)
- nodejs-detective - Node.js module to find all calls to require()
- nodejs-dezalgo - Contain async insanity so that the dark pony lord doesn't eat souls
- nodejs-dicer - A very fast streaming multipart parser for node.js
- nodejs-diff - A JavaScript text diff implementation for Node.js
- nodejs-difflet - Colorful diffs for JavaScript objects
- nodejs-difflib - Text diff library ported from Python's difflib module
- nodejs-dirty-chai - Extends Chai with lint-friendly terminating assertions
- nodejs-discord-js - Powerful JavaScript library for interacting with the Discord API
- nodejs-docopt - A command line option parser that will make you smile
- nodejs-doctrine - A JSDoc parser
- nodejs-dom-serializer - Render dom nodes to string
- nodejs-domelementtype - All the types of nodes in htmlparser2's dom
- nodejs-domhandler - Handler for htmlparser2 that turns pages into a dom
- nodejs-domutils - Utilities for working with htmlparser2's dom
- nodejs-dot-case - Dot case a string
- nodejs-dot-prop - Get, set, or delete a property from a nested object using a dot path
- nodejs-dotfile-regex - Regular expression for matching dotfiles
- nodejs-dreamopt - Command-line parser with readable syntax from your sweetest dreams
- nodejs-dryice - A CommonJS/RequireJS packaging tool for browser scripts
- nodejs-duplex - Base class for a duplex stream
- nodejs-duplexer - Creates a duplex stream
- nodejs-duplexer2 - Like duplexer but using streams3
- nodejs-duplexer3 - Like duplexer but using streams3
- nodejs-duplexify - Turn a writeable and readable stream into a single streams2 duplex stream
- nodejs-duration - Time duration utilities
- nodejs-each - Chained and parallel async iterator in one elegant function
- nodejs-each-async - Async concurrent iterator (async forEach)
- nodejs-ebnf-parser - A parser for BNF and EBNF grammars used by jison
- nodejs-echomd - An md like conversion tool for shell terminals
- nodejs-editor - Launch the default text editor from Node.js programs
- nodejs-ee-first - Get the first event in a set of event emitters and event pairs
- nodejs-ejs - Embedded JavaScript templates for Node.js
- nodejs-emojione - EmojiOne is a complete set of emojis designed for the web
- nodejs-empty-dir - Check if a directory is empty
- nodejs-encodeurl - Encode a URL to a percent-encoded form, excluding already-encoded sequences
- nodejs-encoding - Convert encodings, uses iconv by default and falls back to iconv-lite if needed
- nodejs-end-of-stream - Call a callback when a readable/writable/duplex stream has completed or failed
- nodejs-entities - Encode & decode XML/HTML entities with ease
- nodejs-error-ex - Easy error subclassing and stack customization
- nodejs-error-symbol - Cross-platform error symbol
- nodejs-errorhandler - The default error handler page for Connect
- nodejs-errs - Simple error creation and passing utilities
- nodejs-es-abstract - ECMAScript spec abstract operations
- nodejs-es-to-primitive - ECMAScript “ToPrimitive” algorithm
- nodejs-es5-ext - ECMAScript 5 extensions and ES6 shims
- nodejs-es5-shim - ECMAScript 5 compatibility shims for legacy JavaScript engines
- nodejs-es6-iterator - Iterator abstraction based on ES6 specification
- nodejs-es6-map - ECMAScript6 Map polyfill
- nodejs-es6-promise - Lightweight library that provides tools for organizing asynchronous code
- nodejs-es6-promisify - Converts callback-based functions to ES6 Promises
- nodejs-es6-set - ECMAScript6 Set polyfill
- nodejs-es6-shim - ECMAScript 6 (Harmony) compatibility shims for legacy JavaScript engines
- nodejs-es6-symbol - ECMAScript 6 Symbol polyfill
- nodejs-es6-weak-map - ECMAScript6 WeakMap polyfill
- nodejs-escallmatch - ECMAScript CallExpression matcher made from function/method signature
- nodejs-escape-html - Escape string for use in HTML
- nodejs-escape-regexp-component - Escape regular expression special characters
- nodejs-escape-string-regexp - Escape RegExp special characters
- nodejs-escodegen - ECMAScript code generator
- nodejs-escope - ECMAScript scope analyzer
- nodejs-espower-location-detector - AST source location detection helper for power-assert
- nodejs-esprima - ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysis
- nodejs-esprima-fb - Facebook-specific fork of the esprima project
- nodejs-esprima-harmony-jscs - ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysis
- nodejs-espurify - Clone new AST without extra properties
- nodejs-esrecurse - ECMAScript AST recursive visitor
- nodejs-estraverse - ECMAScript JS AST traversal functions
- nodejs-estraverse-fb - Drop-in for estraverse that enables traversal over React's JSX nodes
- nodejs-estree-walker - Traverse an ESTree-compliant AST
- nodejs-esutils - Utility box for ECMAScript language tools
- nodejs-etag - Node.js module to create simple ETags
- nodejs-event-emitter - Environment agnostic event emitter
- nodejs-event-stream - Construct pipes of streams of events
- nodejs-eventemitter2 - A Node.js event emitter implementation with namespaces, wildcards and TTL
- nodejs-eventemitter3 - EventEmitter3 is a high performance EventEmmitter
- nodejs-events - Node's event emitter
- nodejs-events-to-array - Put a bunch of emitted events in an array, for testing
- nodejs-everything-dot-js - A JS file with every ECMA-262 edition 5.1 grammatical production
- nodejs-exit - A process.exit alternative that ensures STDIO are fully drained before exiting
- nodejs-expand-brackets - Expand POSIX bracket expressions (character classes) in glob patterns
- nodejs-expand-range - Fast, bash-like range expansion
- nodejs-expand-tilde - Bash-like tilde expansion for node.js
- nodejs-expect - Write better assertions
- nodejs-expect-dot-js - Behavior-driven development (BDD) style assertions for Node.js and the browser
- nodejs-express-session - A module to setup a session store with the given options
- nodejs-extend - Port of jQuery.extend for node.js and the browser
- nodejs-extend-shallow - Extend an object with the properties of additional objects
- nodejs-extended-emitter - An emitter with expanded utility, UMD with dependencies for node and the browser
- nodejs-extglob - Convert extended globs to regex-compatible strings
- nodejs-extsprintf - Extended POSIX-style sprintf
- nodejs-eyes - A customizable value inspector for Node.js
- nodejs-fancy-log - Log things, prefixed with a timestamp
- nodejs-far - Find and run Node.js files
- nodejs-fast-levenshtein - Efficient implementation of Levenshtein algorithm
- nodejs-fastfall - call your callbacks in a waterfall, at speed
- nodejs-faye-websocket - A standards-compliant WebSocket server and client for Node.js
- nodejs-fd - File descriptor manager for Node.js
- nodejs-fd-slicer - Create multiple stream objects from the same file descriptor
- nodejs-figures - Unicode symbols with Windows CMD fallbacks
- nodejs-file-sync-cmp - Synchronous file comparison
- nodejs-file-uri-to-path - Convert a file: URI to a file path
- nodejs-filed - Simplified file library
- nodejs-filelist - Lazy-evaluating list of files, based on globs or regexes
- nodejs-filename-regex - Regular expression for matching file names
- nodejs-fileset - A wrapper around glob and minimatch for Node.js
- nodejs-fill-keys - Fill keys in a destination that are defined on the source
- nodejs-fill-range - Fill in a range of numbers or letters
- nodejs-find-cache-dir - My well-made module
- nodejs-find-up - Find a file by walking up parent directories
- nodejs-findup-sync - Find the first file matching a given pattern
- nodejs-first-chunk-stream - Transform the first chunk in a stream
- nodejs-flagged-respawn - A tool for respawning node binaries when special flags are present
- nodejs-flot - Javascript plotting library for jQuery
- nodejs-flush-write-stream - A write stream constructor that supports a flush function
- nodejs-fmix - MurmurHash3 x86 finalization mix implemented in JavaScript
- nodejs-fn-dot-name - Extract names from functions
- nodejs-fn-name - Get the name of a named function
- nodejs-follow - Extremely robust, fault-tolerant CouchDB changes follower
- nodejs-for-each - A better forEach
- nodejs-for-in - Iterate over the own and inherited enumerable properties of an object
- nodejs-for-own - Iterate over the own enumerable properties of an object
- nodejs-foreach - Iterate over the key value pairs of an object
- nodejs-foreground-child - Run a child as if it's the foreground process
- nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP Agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
- nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
- nodejs-formatio - Human-readable object formatting
- nodejs-formidable - A Node.js module for parsing form data, especially file uploads
- nodejs-forwarded - Parse HTTP X-Forwarded-For header
- nodejs-fragment-cache - A cache for managing namespaced sub-caches
- nodejs-freetree - A node module for creating tree data structure from text input
- nodejs-fresh - HTTP response freshness testing for Node.js
- nodejs-from - Easy way to make a Readable Stream
- nodejs-from2 - Wrapper for ReadableStream, with an API lifted from "from" and "through2"
- nodejs-fs-dot-notify - File change notification that just works
- nodejs-fs-exists-cached - Just like fs.exists and fs.existsSync, but cached
- nodejs-fs-exists-sync - Drop-in replacement for `fs.existsSync` with zero dependencies
- nodejs-fs-ext - Extensions to core 'fs' module for Node.js
- nodejs-fs-temp - A quick and simple way to create temporary files and directories
- nodejs-fs-write-stream-atomic - Like `fs.createWriteStream(...)`, but atomic
- nodejs-fs2 - Node.js fs (file system package) extensions
- nodejs-fsevents - Native Access to Mac OS-X FSEvents
- nodejs-ftp - An FTP client module for node.js
- nodejs-function-bind - Implementation of Function.prototype.bind
- nodejs-function-loop - Run a list of functions in order in a given object context
- nodejs-gauge - A terminal based horizontal gauge
- nodejs-gaze - A globbing fs.watch wrapper built from parts of other watch libraries
- nodejs-gdal - Node.js bindings to GDAL
- nodejs-generate-function - Module that helps you write generated functions in Node
- nodejs-generate-object-property - Generate safe JS code that can used to reference a object property
- nodejs-generic-pool - Generic resource pooling for Node.js
- nodejs-get - A slightly higher-level HTTP client for node
- nodejs-get-port - Get an available port
- nodejs-get-stdin - Nodejs module for easier stdin
- nodejs-get-stream - Get a stream as a string or buffer
- nodejs-get-value - Use property paths (a.b.c) to get a nested value from an object
- nodejs-getobject - Get and set deep objects easily
- nodejs-gettext-parser - Parse and compile gettext po and mo files to/from json
- nodejs-github-url-from-git - Parse a GitHub git URL and return the GitHub repository URL
- nodejs-github-url-from-username-repo - Create urls from username/repo
- nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
- nodejs-glob-base - Returns an object with the (non-glob) base path and the actual pattern
- nodejs-glob-expand - A sync glob / minimatch / RegExp function
- nodejs-glob-parent - Strips glob magic from a string to provide the parent path
- nodejs-glob-to-regexp - Convert globs to regular expressions
- nodejs-global-modules - The directory used by npm for globally installed npm modules
- nodejs-global-prefix - Get the npm global path prefix
- nodejs-globals - Global identifiers from different JavaScript environments
- nodejs-globby - Extends `glob` with support for multiple patterns and exposes a Promise API
- nodejs-globule - An easy-to-use wildcard globbing library for Node.js
- nodejs-glogg - Global logging utility
- nodejs-gonzales-pe - Gonzales Preprocessor Edition (fast CSS parser)
- nodejs-got - Simplified HTTP/HTTPS requests
- nodejs-graceful-fs - A drop-in replacement for fs, making various improvements
- nodejs-graceful-readlink - The graceful fs.readlink functionality
- nodejs-grip - Generic Realtime Intermediary Protocol (GRIP) library for Node.js
- nodejs-growl - Growl unobtrusive notifications for Node.js
- nodejs-grunt-compare-size - Compare file sizes on this branch to master
- nodejs-grunt-contrib-concat - Concatenate files with grunt
- nodejs-grunt-contrib-internal - Internal tasks for managing the grunt-contrib project
- nodejs-grunt-contrib-requirejs - Optimize RequireJS projects using r.js
- nodejs-grunt-known-options - The known options used in Grunt
- nodejs-grunt-legacy-log - The Grunt 0.4.x logger
- nodejs-grunt-legacy-log-utils - Static methods for the Grunt 0.4.x logger
- nodejs-grunt-legacy-util - Deprecated Grunt utils provided for backwards compatibility
- nodejs-grunt-lib-contrib - Common functionality shared across grunt-contrib tasks
- nodejs-grunt-sed - Grunt task for search and replace
- nodejs-grunt-simple-mocha - A simple wrapper for running tests with Mocha
- nodejs-grunt-util-args - Grunt util for extracting arguments
- nodejs-grunt-util-options - Grunt util for getting options
- nodejs-grunt-util-process - Grunt util for processing values in an object
- nodejs-grunt-util-property - Grunt util for getting and setting properties
- nodejs-gulplog - Logger for gulp and gulp plugins
- nodejs-gzip-size - Get the gzipped size of a string or buffer
- nodejs-handlebars - Mustache extension for Node.js
- nodejs-har-validator - Extremely fast HTTP Archive (HAR) validator using JSON Schema
- nodejs-has - Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call shortcut
- nodejs-has-ansi - Check if a string has ANSI escape codes
- nodejs-has-binary - Returns true if its argument contains binary data
- nodejs-has-binary2 - Returns true if argument contains binary data
- nodejs-has-color - Detects whether a terminal supports color
- nodejs-has-cors - Detects support for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
- nodejs-has-flag - Check if argv has a specific flag
- nodejs-has-glob - Returns `true` if an array has a glob pattern
- nodejs-has-gulplog - Check if gulplog is available before attempting to use it
- nodejs-has-symbols - Determine if the JS environment has Symbol support
- nodejs-has-unicode - Try to guess if your terminal supports unicode
- nodejs-has-value - Returns true if a value exists, false if empty
- nodejs-has-values - Returns true if any values exist, false if empty
- nodejs-has-yarn - Check if a project is using Yarn
- nodejs-hash_file - A simple utility for getting a hash of a file
- nodejs-hashish - Hash data structure manipulation functions
- nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
- nodejs-he - A robust HTML entity encoder/decoder written in JavaScript
- nodejs-heap - Binary heap (priority queue) algorithms
- nodejs-hex-to-array-buffer - Turn a string of hexadecimal characters into an `ArrayBuffer`
- nodejs-highlight-js - Highlight.js syntax highlighting with language auto-detection for Node.js
- nodejs-hock - A mocking server for HTTP requests
- nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
- nodejs-homedir-polyfill - Node.js os.homedir polyfill for older versions of node.js
- nodejs-hook-std - Hook and modify stdout/stderr
- nodejs-hooker - Monkey-patch (hook) functions for debugging
- nodejs-hosted-git-info - Provides metadata and conversions from repository urls for Github, Bitbucket and Gitlab
- nodejs-hsluv - Human-friendly HSL
- nodejs-http-deceiver - Deceive HTTP parser
- nodejs-http-errors - Create HTTP errors for Express, Koa, Connect, etc. with ease
- nodejs-http-proxy - A full-featured http proxy for node.js
- nodejs-http-proxy-agent - An HTTP(s) proxy http.Agent implementation for HTTP
- nodejs-http-signature - Reference implementation of Joyent's HTTP Signature Scheme
- nodejs-https-proxy-agent - An HTTP(s) proxy http.Agent implementation for HTTPS
- nodejs-humanize-ms - Transform humanize time to ms
- nodejs-i - Custom inflections for Node.js
- nodejs-i2c - Node.js native bindings for i2c-dev
- nodejs-iconv - Text recoding in JavaScript for fun and profit
- nodejs-iconv-lite - Convert character encodings in pure JavaScript
- nodejs-iferr - Higher-order functions for easier error handling
- nodejs-ignore - Ignore is a manager and filter for .gitignore rules
- nodejs-image-size - A Node module to get dimensions of any image file
- nodejs-immutable - Immutable Data Collections
- nodejs-import-local - Let a globally installed package use a locally installed version of itself
- nodejs-imul - ES2015 Math.imul() ponyfill
- nodejs-imurmurhash - An incremental implementation of MurmurHash3
- nodejs-indent-string - Indent each line in a string
- nodejs-indexof - Lame indexOf thing
- nodejs-infinity-agent - Creates HTTP/HTTPS Agent with Infinity maxSockets
- nodejs-inflight - Node.js inflight
- nodejs-info-symbol - Cross-platform info symbol
- nodejs-inherit - Inheritance module for Node.js and browsers
- nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in js
- nodejs-inherits1 - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS - legacy version
- nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for node.js
- nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
- nodejs-inline-source-map - Adds source mappings and base64 encodes them
- nodejs-install - Minimal JavaScript module loader
- nodejs-int64-buffer - 64bit Long Integer on Buffer/Array/ArrayBuffer in Pure JavaScript
- nodejs-intercept-require - Intercept calls to require()
- nodejs-interpret - A dictionary of file extensions and associated module loaders
- nodejs-into-stream - Convert a buffer/string/array/object into a stream
- nodejs-invert-kv - Invert the key/value of an object. Example: {foo: 'bar'} → {bar: 'foo'}
- nodejs-ip - IP address utilities for node.js
- nodejs-ipaddr-dot-js - A library for manipulating IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in JavaScript
- nodejs-irc-colors - Color and formatting for irc made easy
- nodejs-irc-formatting - Turns IRC formatted text into easy to use blocks
- nodejs-irc-upd - NodeJS IRC client library
- nodejs-irregular-plurals - Map of nouns to their irregular plural form
- nodejs-is - The definitive JavaScript type testing library
- nodejs-is-accessor-descriptor - Returns true if a value has the characteristics of a valid accessor descriptor
- nodejs-is-arrayish - Check if an object can be used like an Array
- nodejs-is-arrow-function - Determine if a function is an ES6 arrow function or not
- nodejs-is-boolean-object - Is this value a JS Boolean?
- nodejs-is-buffer - Determine if an object is Buffer
- nodejs-is-builtin-module - Check if a string matches the name of a Node.js builtin module
- nodejs-is-callable - Is this JS value callable?
- nodejs-is-data-descriptor - Returns true if a value has the characteristics of a valid data descriptor
- nodejs-is-date-object - Is this value a JS Date object?
- nodejs-is-descriptor - Returns true if a value has the characteristics of a valid descriptor
- nodejs-is-dir - Tests if a given path resolves to a directory
- nodejs-is-dotfile - Return true if a file path is (or has) a dotfile
- nodejs-is-equal - Are these two values conceptually equal?
- nodejs-is-equal-shallow - Does a shallow comparison of two objects
- nodejs-is-extendable - True if a value is array, regexp, plain object, function or date
- nodejs-is-extglob - Returns true if a string has an extglob
- nodejs-is-finite - ES6 Number.isFinite() ponyfill
- nodejs-is-fullwidth-code-point - Check if given Unicode code point is fullwidth
- nodejs-is-function - Is that thing a function? Use this module to find out
- nodejs-is-generator - Check whether a value is a generator or generator function
- nodejs-is-generator-fn - Check if something is a generator function
- nodejs-is-generator-function - Determine if a function is an ES6 generator function or not
- nodejs-is-glob - Returns `true` if the given string looks like a glob pattern
- nodejs-is-lower-case - Check if a string is lower cased
- nodejs-is-module - Check if a source string is an es6 module
- nodejs-is-my-json-valid - A JSONSchema validator that uses code generation to be extremely fast
- nodejs-is-negated-glob - Returns an object with a negated boolean and the ! stripped
- nodejs-is-node - Detect if current process is a node application or not
- nodejs-is-number - Returns true if the value is a number
- nodejs-is-number-object - Is this value a JS Number object
- nodejs-is-obj - Check if a value is an object
- nodejs-is-object - Checks whether a value is an object
- nodejs-is-observable - Check if a value is an Observable
- nodejs-is-odd - Returns true if the given number is odd
- nodejs-is-path-cwd - Check if a path is CWD
- nodejs-is-path-in-cwd - Check if a path is in the current working directory
- nodejs-is-path-inside - Check if a path is inside another path
- nodejs-is-plain-obj - Check if a value is a plain object
- nodejs-is-plain-object - Returns true if an object was created by the `Object` constructor
- nodejs-is-primitive - Returns `true` if the value is a primitive
- nodejs-is-promise - Test whether an object looks like a promises-a+ promise
- nodejs-is-property - Tests if a json property can be safely accessed using the .syntax
- nodejs-is-redirect - Check if a number is a redirect HTTP status code
- nodejs-is-regex - Is this value a JS regex?
- nodejs-is-regexp - Check whether a variable is a regular expression
- nodejs-is-registered - Optionally prevents a plugin from being registered more than once
- nodejs-is-relative - Returns `true` if the path appears to be relative
- nodejs-is-retry-allowed - Is retry allowed for Error?
- nodejs-is-stream - Check if something is a Node.js stream
- nodejs-is-string - Is this value a JS String object or primitive
- nodejs-is-subset - Check if an object is contained within another one
- nodejs-is-symbol - Determine if a value is an ES6 Symbol or not
- nodejs-is-text-path - Check if a filepath is a text file
- nodejs-is-typedarray - Detect whether or not an object is a Typed Array
- nodejs-is-unc-path - Returns true if a filepath is a windows UNC file path
- nodejs-is-upper-case - Check if a string is upper cased
- nodejs-is-url - Check whether a string is a URL
- nodejs-is-utf8 - Detect if a buffer is utf8 encoded
- nodejs-is-valid-glob - Return true if a value is a valid glob pattern or patterns
- nodejs-is-valid-instance - Returns true if a value is a valid instance of Base
- nodejs-is-windows - Returns true if the platform is windows
- nodejs-isarray - Array#isArray for older browsers
- nodejs-isexe - Minimal module to check if a file is executable
- nodejs-iso8601 - Node.js module to parse and print ISO8601 dates
- nodejs-isobject - Returns true if the value is an object and not an array or null
- nodejs-isodate - JavaScript ISO 8601 date/time parser for Node.js
- nodejs-isstream - Determine if an object is a Stream
- nodejs-istanbul - A JS code coverage tool written in JS
- nodejs-istanbul-lib-coverage - Data library for istanbul coverage objects
- nodejs-istanbul-lib-hook - Hooks for require, vm and script used in istanbul
- nodejs-istanbul-lib-report - Base reporting library for istanbul
- nodejs-istanbul-reports - istanbul reports
- nodejs-jade - Jade template engine for Node.js
- nodejs-jasmine-growl-reporter - Growl notifications when running Jasmine tests
- nodejs-jasmine-reporters - Reporters for the Jasmine behavior-driven development (BDD) framework
- nodejs-jest-mock - Mock testing API
- nodejs-jju - A set of utilities to work with JSON / JSON5 documents
- nodejs-js-base64 - Yet another Base64 transcoder in pure-JS
- nodejs-js-beautify - jsbeautifier.org for node
- nodejs-js-string-escape - Escape any string to be a valid JavaScript string literal
- nodejs-js-tokens - A regex that tokenizes JavaScript
- nodejs-js-yaml - YAML 1.2 parser and serializer
- nodejs-jschardet - Character encoding auto-detection in JavaScript (port of python's chardet)
- nodejs-jscoverage - A JavaScript coverage tool for Node.js and browser development
- nodejs-json-diff - JSON diff
- nodejs-json-localizer - Utility to localize a JSON object
- nodejs-json-parse-helpfulerror - A drop-in replacement for JSON.parse that uses `jju` to give helpful errors
- nodejs-json-stable-stringify - Deterministic JSON.stringify() with custom sorting
- nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
- nodejs-json3 - A modern JSON implementation compatible with nearly all JavaScript platforms
- nodejs-jsonfile - Easily read/write JSON files
- nodejs-jsonify - JSON without touching any globals
- nodejs-jsonm - JSON compressor for packing messages with memoization
- nodejs-jsonparse - Pure-js JSON streaming parser for node.js
- nodejs-jsonpointer - Simple JSON Addressing
- nodejs-jsonpointer-dot-js - JavaScript implementation of JSON Pointer
- nodejs-jsonselect - CSS-like selectors for JSON
- nodejs-jsonstream - Streaming JSON.parse and stringify for Node.js
- nodejs-jwt-simple - JWT(JSON Web Token) encode and decode module for Node.js
- nodejs-keep-alive-agent - A keep-alive agent for http and https
- nodejs-keygrip - Key signing and verification for rotated credentials
- nodejs-keypress - Make any Node ReadableStream emit "keypress" events
- nodejs-kind-of - Get the native type of a value
- nodejs-klaw - File system walker with Readable stream interface
- nodejs-kuler2gpl - Converts Kuler ASE files to GIMP / Inkscape GPL color palette files
- nodejs-langdetect - Language detection library for Node.js
- nodejs-lazy-cache - Cache requires to be lazy-loaded when needed
- nodejs-lazystream - Create streams lazily when they are read from or written to
- nodejs-lcid - Mapping between standard locales and Windows locales
- nodejs-lcov-parse - Parse lcov results files and return JSON
- nodejs-leaflet - An open source JavaScript Library for Interactive Maps
- nodejs-leaflet-formbuilder - Helpers to build forms in Leaflet
- nodejs-leaflet-hash - Linkable location hashes for Leaflet
- nodejs-leche - A JavaScript testing utility designed to work with Mocha and Sinon
- nodejs-left-pad - String left pad
- nodejs-less - Less.js The dynamic stylesheet language
- nodejs-less-plugin-clean-css - Compresses the css output from less using clean-css
- nodejs-levn - Light ECMAScript Value Notation - human written, concise, typed
- nodejs-lex-parser - A parser for lexical grammars used by jison
- nodejs-libxmljs - Node.js module that provides libxml bindings for the v8 javascript engine
- nodejs-line-numbers - Add line numbers to a string
- nodejs-line-reader - Asynchronous line-by-line file reader
- nodejs-linefix - Recursively repair line endings
- nodejs-linkify-it - Links recognition library with FULL unicode support
- nodejs-load-json-file - Read and parse a JSON file
- nodejs-locate-character - Get the line and column number of a specific character in a string
- nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
- nodejs-lodash - A low-level utility library delivering consistency and customization
- nodejs-lodash-cli - The Lo-Dash command-line interface
- nodejs-log-driver - A simple logging framework for logging to stdout
- nodejs-log-ok - Just console.log prefixed with a green check
- nodejs-log-symbols - Colored symbols for various log levels
- nodejs-log-utils - Basic logging utils: colors, symbols and timestamp
- nodejs-lolex - Fake JavaScript timers
- nodejs-long - Long class for representing a 64-bit two's-complement integer
- nodejs-longest - Get the longest item in an array
- nodejs-loud-rejection - Make unhandled promise rejections fail loudly instead of the default silent fail
- nodejs-lower-case - Lowercase a string
- nodejs-lower-case-first - Lower case the first character of a string
- nodejs-lowercase-keys - Lowercase the keys of an object
- nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
- nodejs-lru-queue - LRU Queue
- nodejs-ltx - A Node.js module for parsing, modifying and building XML
- nodejs-magic-string - Modify strings, generate sourcemaps
- nodejs-make-arrow-function - Function that returns an arbitrary arrow function
- nodejs-make-error - Make your own error types!
- nodejs-make-generator-function - Returns an arbitrary generator function
- nodejs-make-node - Useful makefiles for developing Node.js packages
- nodejs-makedir - Recursively make directories that you need in node.js
- nodejs-makeerror - A library to make errors
- nodejs-map-cache - Basic cache object for storing key-value pairs
- nodejs-map-obj - Map object keys and values into a new object
- nodejs-map-stream - Construct pipes of streams of events
- nodejs-map-visit - Map _visit_ over an array of objects
- nodejs-mapnik-pool - Manage a pool of mapnik instances
- nodejs-mapnik-reference - Reference for Mapnik Styling Options
- nodejs-mapnik-vector-tile - Mapnik API for working with vector tiles
- nodejs-markdown - A sensible Markdown parser for JavaScript
- nodejs-markdown-it-testgen - Tests generator for markdown-it markdown parser
- nodejs-matched - Adds array support to node-glob, sync and async
- nodejs-max-timeout - The max amount of milliseconds you can pass to `setTimeout()`
- nodejs-maxmin - Get pretty output of the original, minified gzipped size of a string/buffer
- nodejs-mbtiles - Utilities and tilelive integration for the MBTiles format
- nodejs-md5 - Javascript function for hashing messages with MD5
- nodejs-md5-hex - Create a MD5 hash with hex encoding
- nodejs-md5-o-matic - Fast and simple MD5 hashing utility with zero dependencies
- nodejs-mdn-data - Open Web data by the Mozilla Developer Network
- nodejs-mdurl - URL utilities for markdown-it
- nodejs-media-typer - Simple RFC 6838 media type parser
- nodejs-memoize-path - Easily create reusable, stackable file paths from memoized path segments
- nodejs-memoizee - Memoize/cache function results
- nodejs-merge-descriptors - A Node.js module to merge objects using descriptors
- nodejs-merge-stream - Create a stream that emits events from multiple other streams
- nodejs-method-override - Provides faux HTTP method support for Connect
- nodejs-methods - HTTP methods that node supports
- nodejs-micromatch - Glob matching for javascript/node.js
- nodejs-millstone - Prepares data sources in an MML file for consumption in Mapnik
- nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
- nodejs-mime-db - This is a database of all mime types
- nodejs-mime-types - The ultimate javascript content-type utility
- nodejs-mimeparse - A Node.js module with basic functions for handling mime-types
- nodejs-minimalistic-assert - A minimalistic assert library
- nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
- nodejs-minimist - Parse argument options in Node.js
- nodejs-minipass - Minimal implementation of a PassThrough stream
- nodejs-minstache - Mini mustache template engine
- nodejs-mixin-deep - Deeply mix the properties of objects into the first object
- nodejs-mixin-object - Mixin the own and inherited properties of other objects onto the first object
- nodejs-mkdirp - Recursive directory creation module for Node.js
- nodejs-mock-fs - A configurable mock file system
- nodejs-modify-values - Modify the values of an object
- nodejs-module-not-found-error - Create a module not found error
- nodejs-moment - Parse, manipulate and display dates
- nodejs-monocle - A tool for watching directories for file changes
- nodejs-morgan - Logging middleware for Connect
- nodejs-ms - Tiny milliseconds conversion utility for Node.js
- nodejs-multiline - Multiline strings in JavaScript
- nodejs-multimatch - Adds multiple patterns support to minimatch.match()
- nodejs-multiparty - A multipart/form-data parser for Node.js which supports streaming
- nodejs-multipipe - Pipe streams with centralized error handling
- nodejs-murmur-32 - MurmurHash3 x86 32-bit implemented in JavaScript
- nodejs-mustache - mustache.js is an implementation of the mustache template system in JavaScript
- nodejs-mutate-fs - Mutate the filesystem behavior for tests
- nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
- nodejs-mysql - A node.js driver for mysql
- nodejs-mz - Modernize node.js to current ECMAScript standards
- nodejs-nan - Native Abstractions for Node.js
- nodejs-nan0 - Native Abstractions for Node.js
- nodejs-nan1 - Native Abstractions for Node.js
- nodejs-nano - Minimalistic couchdb driver for Node.js
- nodejs-nanomatch - Fast, minimal glob matcher for node.js
- nodejs-nanoseconds - Convert the process.hrtime array to a single nanoseconds value
- nodejs-native-or-bluebird - Use either the native Promise or Bluebird
- nodejs-ncp - Asynchronous recursive file copy utility for Node.js
- nodejs-needle - The leanest and most handsome HTTP client in the Nodelands
- nodejs-negative-zero - Check if a number is negative zero
- nodejs-negotiator - An HTTP content negotiator for Node.js
- nodejs-nested-error-stacks - An Error subclass that will chain nested Errors and dump nested stacktraces
- nodejs-net-browserify-alt - A port of the net module for the browser
- nodejs-netmask - Parse and lookup IP network blocks
- nodejs-next - Functions that extend and complement Node.js API
- nodejs-next-tick - Environment agnostic nextTick polyfill
- nodejs-node-dot-extend - A port of jQuery.extend that actually works on node.js
- nodejs-node-expat - Fast libexpat XML SAX parser binding for Node.js
- nodejs-node-int64 - Support for representing 64-bit integers in JavaScript
- nodejs-node-markdown - Parse markdown syntax with Node.js
- nodejs-node-print - Printf in JavaScript Node.js module
- nodejs-node-static - Simple, compliant file streaming module for node
- nodejs-node-status-codes - Node.js http.STATUS_CODES ponyfill
- nodejs-node-stringprep - ICU StringPrep profiles for Node.js
- nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
- nodejs-nodemon - Simple monitor script for use during development of a node.js app
- nodejs-noncharacters - 34 non-character code points
- nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
- nodejs-nopt-usage - This module generates a usage string for nopt options
- nodejs-noptify - A wrapper for the nopt module with a commander-like API
- nodejs-normalize-git-url - Normalizes Git URLs. For npm, but you can use it too.
- nodejs-normalize-package-data - Normalizes npm/package.json metadata
- nodejs-normalize-path - Nodejs library for normalizing filesystem paths
- nodejs-npm-cache-filename - Return NPM cache folder
- nodejs-npm-install-checks - Checks that npm runs during the installation of a module
- nodejs-npm-package-arg - Parse the things that can be arguments to `npm install`
- nodejs-npm-run-path - Get your PATH prepended with locally installed binaries
- nodejs-npm-stats - Convenience module for getting back data from an NPM registry
- nodejs-npm-user-validate - Username, password, and e-mail validation for the npm registry
- nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
- nodejs-nsp-api - Node.js module for NSP API
- nodejs-nsp-audit-shrinkwrap - Audits a shrinkwrap file against the NSP module vulnerability database
- nodejs-nth-check - Performant nth-check parser & compiler
- nodejs-number-is-nan - ES6 Number.isNaN() ponyfill
- nodejs-numeral - A javascript library for formatting and manipulating numbers
- nodejs-oauth - Library for interacting with OAuth 1.0, 1.0A, 2 and Echo
- nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
- nodejs-oauth2orize - OAuth 2.0 authorization server toolkit for Node.js
- nodejs-object-assign - ES6 Object.assign() ponyfill
- nodejs-object-copy - Copy static or prototype properties, descriptors from one object to another
- nodejs-object-dot-assign - An Object.assign shim
- nodejs-object-dot-entries - ES7 spec-compliant Object.entries shim
- nodejs-object-dot-omit - Return a copy of an object excluding the given key
- nodejs-object-dot-pick - Returns a filtered copy of an object with only the specified keys
- nodejs-object-inspect - String representations of objects in node and the browser
- nodejs-object-keys - An Object.keys replacement, in case Object.keys is not available
- nodejs-object-visit - Call a specified method on each value in the given object
- nodejs-observable-to-promise - Convert an Observable to a Promise
- nodejs-obuf - Offset buffer implementation
- nodejs-okay - Bubble errors back up your big ol' nested callback chain
- nodejs-on-finished - Execute a callback when a HTTP request closes, finishes, or errors
- nodejs-on-headers - Execute a listener when a response is about to write headers
- nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
- nodejs-onetime - Only call a function once
- nodejs-only-shallow - Like `deeper` and `deepest`, but less strict, and with 90s flavor
- nodejs-oop - Node.js module for simple & light-weight oop
- nodejs-open - Open a file or url in the user's preferred application
- nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
- nodejs-opn - A better node-open which opens websites, files, executables
- nodejs-optimist - Light-weight option parsing for Node.js
- nodejs-option-cache - Simple API for managing options in JavaScript applications
- nodejs-option-chain - Use fluent property chains in lieu of options objects
- nodejs-optionator - Option parsing and help generation
- nodejs-options - Light-weight in-code option parser for nodejs
- nodejs-optjs - Probably the sole command line option parser you'll ever need
- nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
- nodejs-orchestrator - A module for sequencing and executing tasks and dependencies
- nodejs-ordered-read-streams - Combines array of streams into one read stream in strict order
- nodejs-os-homedir - An io.js 2.3.0 os.homedir() ponyfill
- nodejs-os-locale - Get the system locale
- nodejs-os-shim - Native OS module API shim for older node.js versions
- nodejs-os-tmpdir - Node.js os.tmpdir() ponyfill
- nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
- nodejs-output-file-sync - Synchronously write a file and create its ancestor directories if needed
- nodejs-own-or - Either use the object's own property, or a fallback
- nodejs-own-or-env - Use an objects own property, or an environment variable
- nodejs-p-finally - Promise#finally() ponyfill - Invoked when the promise is settled
- nodejs-p-is-promise - Check if something is a promise
- nodejs-p-limit - Run multiple promise-returning & async functions with limited concurrency
- nodejs-p-try - Starts a promise chain
- nodejs-pac-resolver - Generates an asynchronous resolver function from a PAC file
- nodejs-package - Provides an easy way to export package.json data
- nodejs-package-info - Get the information of a npm package
- nodejs-package-license - Checks the filesystem for potential license files
- nodejs-packaging - RPM Macros and Utilities for Node.js Packaging
- nodejs-packet-reader - Read binary packets...
- nodejs-pad - Left and right string padding
- nodejs-pad-left - Left pad a string with zeros or a specified string
- nodejs-paperboy - A node.js module for delivering static files
- nodejs-parallel-transform - Transform stream that allows you to run your transforms in parallel
- nodejs-param-case - Param case a string
- nodejs-parse-github-repo-url - Parse a GitHub URL for user/project@version
- nodejs-parse-glob - Parse a glob pattern into an object of tokens
- nodejs-parse-json - Parse JSON with more helpful errors
- nodejs-parse-ms - Parse milliseconds into an object
- nodejs-parse-passwd - Parse a passwd file into a list of users
- nodejs-parsejson - Method that parses a JSON string and returns a JSON object
- nodejs-parseqs - Methods for parsing a query string into an object, and vice versa
- nodejs-parserlib - CSS3 SAX-inspired parser
- nodejs-parseuri - Method that parses a URI and returns an array of its components
- nodejs-parseurl - Parse a URL with memoization
- nodejs-pascal-case - Pascal case a string
- nodejs-pascalcase - Convert a string to pascal-case
- nodejs-passport - Simple, unobtrusive authentication for Node.js
- nodejs-passport-http-bearer - HTTP Bearer authentication strategy for Passport
- nodejs-passport-oauth - OAuth 1.0 and 2.0 authentication strategies for Passport
- nodejs-passport-oauth1 - OAuth 1.0 authentication strategy for Passport
- nodejs-passport-oauth2 - OAuth 2.0 authentication strategy for Passport
- nodejs-passport-strategy - An abstract class implementing Passport's strategy API
- nodejs-path-array - Treat your $PATH like a JavaScript Array
- nodejs-path-case - Path case a string
- nodejs-path-dirname - Node.js path.dirname() ponyfill
- nodejs-path-exists - Check if a path exists
- nodejs-path-extra - Contains methods that aren't included in the vanilla Node.js path package
- nodejs-path-is-absolute - Node.js 0.12 path.isAbsolute() ponyfill
- nodejs-path-is-inside - Tests whether one path is inside another path
- nodejs-path-key - Get the PATH environment variable key cross-platform
- nodejs-path-parse - Node.js path.parse() ponyfill
- nodejs-path-to-regexp - Express style path to RegExp utility
- nodejs-path-type - Check if a path is a file, directory, or symlink
- nodejs-path2 - Modular and extended version of `path` package
- nodejs-pathval - Object value retrieval given a string path
- nodejs-pause - Node.js module to pause streams
- nodejs-pause-stream - A ThroughStream that strictly buffers all readable events when paused
- nodejs-pbkdf2-password - Easy salt/password creation for Node.js, extracted from Mosca
- nodejs-pedding - Just pedding for callback
- nodejs-pegjs - Parser generator for JavaScript
- nodejs-pem - Create private keys and certificates with node.js and io.js
- nodejs-pend - Dead-simple optimistic async helper
- nodejs-pff - Minimal implementation of printf, which is really fast
- nodejs-pg - PostgreSQL client for Node.js - pure JavaScript and libpq with the same API
- nodejs-pg-connection-string - Functions for dealing with a PostgresSQL connection string
- nodejs-pg-cursor - Use a PostgreSQL result cursor from node with an easy to use API
- nodejs-pg-escape - Escape postgres queries which do not support stored procedures
- nodejs-pg-int8 - 64-bit big-endian signed integer-to-string conversion for pg
- nodejs-pg-numeric - A reader for the PostgreSQL binary format for numeric values, producing a string
- nodejs-pg-packet-stream - Packet stream reader for Postgres
- nodejs-pg-pool - A connection pool for node-postgres
- nodejs-pg-protocol - The postgres client/server binary protocol
- nodejs-pg-types - Query result type converters for node-postgres
- nodejs-pgpass - Module for reading .pgpass
- nodejs-pify - Promisify a callback-style function
- nodejs-pinkie - Itty bitty little widdle twinkie pinkie ES6 Promise implementation
- nodejs-pinkie-promise - Promise ponyfill with pinkie
- nodejs-pkg-dir - Find the root directory of a npm package
- nodejs-pkg-up - Find the closest package.json file
- nodejs-pkginfo - Expose properties on a module from a package.json
- nodejs-platform - A platform detection library that works on nearly all JavaScript platforms
- nodejs-plur - Naively pluralize a word
- nodejs-portfinder - A simple tool to find an open port or domain socket on the current machine
- nodejs-portscanner - Asynchronous port scanner for Node.js
- nodejs-posix-character-classes - POSIX character classes for creating regular expressions
- nodejs-posix-getopt - POSIX-style getopt() for Node.js
- nodejs-postgres-array - Parse postgres array columns
- nodejs-postgres-bytea - Postgres bytea parser
- nodejs-postgres-date - Postgres date column parser
- nodejs-postgres-interval - Parse Postgres interval columns
- nodejs-precond - Precondition checking utilities
- nodejs-prelude-ls - The prelude.ls library is a functionally oriented utility
- nodejs-prepend-http - Prepend http:// to humanized URLs like todomvc.com and localhost
- nodejs-preserve - Substitute tokens in the given `string` , then put them back
- nodejs-pretty-bytes - Convert bytes to a human readable string
- nodejs-pretty-hrtime - Convert process.hrtime() to words
- nodejs-pretty-ms - Convert milliseconds to a human readable string: 1337000000 → 15d 11h 23m 20s
- nodejs-pretty-time - Easily format the time from process.hrtime
- nodejs-prism-media - Easily transcode media using node.js
- nodejs-prismjs - Lightweight and extensible syntax highlighter
- nodejs-private - Utility for associating truly private state with any JavaScript object
- nodejs-process-nextick-args - The process.nextTick() but always with args
- nodejs-proclaim - A simple assertion library for server and client side JavaScript
- nodejs-progress - Flexible ascii progress bar
- nodejs-progress-stream - Read the progress of a stream
- nodejs-promise - Bare bones Promises/A+ implementation for Node.js
- nodejs-promises-aplus-tests - Compliance test suite for Promises/A+
- nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
- nodejs-propagate - Propagate events
- nodejs-propget - Use dot notation to get properties from deeply nested structures
- nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
- nodejs-proxy - An HTTP proxy written with Node.js
- nodejs-proxy-addr - Determine address of proxied request
- nodejs-proxyquire - Proxies Node.js require to allow overriding dependencies
- nodejs-pruddy-error - Prettify given error object
- nodejs-pseudomap - A thing that is a lot like ES6 `Map`, but without iterators
- nodejs-pubcontrol - HTTP Extensible Pubsub Control Protocol (EPCP) library for Node.js
- nodejs-pump - Pipe streams together and close all of them if one of them closes
- nodejs-pumpify - Combine an array of streams into a single duplex stream using pump and duplexify
- nodejs-q - A tool for making and composing asynchronous promises in JavaScript
- nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
- nodejs-queue-async - A little helper for asynchronous JavaScript
- nodejs-quick-lru - Simple "Least Recently Used" (LRU) cache
- nodejs-qunit-extras - Extends QUnit with extra features and CLI support
- nodejs-qunitjs - An easy-to-use JavaScript Unit Testing framework
- nodejs-rainbowsocks - SOCKS4a proxy client
- nodejs-random-bytes - URL and cookie safe UIDs
- nodejs-random-path - Generate a random path name
- nodejs-randomatic - Generate randomized strings of a specified length
- nodejs-range-parser - Range header field string parser for Node.js
- nodejs-raw-body - Get and validate the raw body of a readable stream
- nodejs-rc - Hardwired configuration loader
- nodejs-re-emitter - Re emit events from another emitter
- nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
- nodejs-read-all-stream - Read all stream content and pass it to callback
- nodejs-read-cmd-shim - Figure out what a cmd-shim is pointing at
- nodejs-read-dir-files - Recursively read files from a directory
- nodejs-read-file - Thin wrapper around fs.readFile and fs.readFileSync
- nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
- nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
- nodejs-read-package-tree - NPM's Package Tree Parser
- nodejs-read-pkg - Read a package.json file
- nodejs-read-pkg-up - Read the closest package.json file
- nodejs-readable-stream - Streams3, a user-land copy of the stream library from Node.js
- nodejs-readdir-enhanced - A fs.readdir with sync, async, and streaming APIs
- nodejs-readdir-scoped-modules - Like fs.readdir but handling @org/module dirs as if they were a single entry
- nodejs-readdirp - Recursive version of Node's fs.readdir with a streaming API
- nodejs-realize-package-specifier - Producing full file paths and differentiating local tar and directory sources
- nodejs-recast - JavaScript syntax tree transformer
- nodejs-rechoir - Require any supported file as a node module
- nodejs-redent - Strip redundant indentation and indent the string
- nodejs-reduce-component - An array reduce component for Node.js
- nodejs-regenerator - Source transformer enabling ECMAScript 6 generators
- nodejs-regex-cache - Memoize the results of a call to the RegExp constructor
- nodejs-regex-not - Create a regex matching everything except the given string
- nodejs-registry-url - Get the set npm registry URL
- nodejs-relateurl - Minify URLs by converting them from absolute to relative
- nodejs-remove-trailing-separator - Removes separators from the end of the string
- nodejs-repeat-element - Create an array by repeating the given value n times
- nodejs-repeat-string - Repeat the given string n times
- nodejs-repeating - Repeat a string - fast
- nodejs-repl - A lightweight templating library for Node.js
- nodejs-replace - Command line search and replace utility using Nodejs
- nodejs-replace-ext - Replaces a file extension with another one
- nodejs-replace-require-self - Require($THIS_PACKAGE) -> require('./')
- nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
- nodejs-require-all - Require all files within a directory
- nodejs-require-cs - An AMD loader plugin for CoffeeScript
- nodejs-require-directory - Recursively iterates over specified directory, require()'ing each file
- nodejs-require-inject - A simple mock injector needing no instrumentation in the libraries being tested
- nodejs-require-main-filename - Shim for require.main.filename() that works in as many environments as possible
- nodejs-require-relative - Require and resolve modules relative to a path of your choice
- nodejs-require-uncached - Require a module bypassing the cache
- nodejs-require-yaml - Lets you load YAML/YML files using require syntax
- nodejs-requirejs - Node.js adapter for RequireJS, for loading AMD modules
- nodejs-requires-port - Check if a protocol requires a certain port number
- nodejs-resolve - Resolve like require.resolve() on behalf of files asynchronously/synchronously
- nodejs-resolve-cwd - Like require.resolve() but from current working directory
- nodejs-resolve-dir - Resolve a directory
- nodejs-resolve-from - Resolve the path of a module like require.resolve() but from a given path
- nodejs-resolve-pkg - Resolve the path of a package regardless of it having an entry
- nodejs-resolve-url - Like Node.js’ `path.resolve`/`url.resolve` for the browser
- nodejs-response-time - X-Response-Time header for Node.js and Connect
- nodejs-resumer - A stream that starts paused and resumes on the next tick
- nodejs-ret - Tokenizes a string that represents a regular expression
- nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
- nodejs-reusify - Reuse objects and functions with style
- nodejs-revalidator - A cross-browser/Node.js validator used by resourceful
- nodejs-rewire - Easy dependency injection for node.js unit testing
- nodejs-rfile - Require a plain text or binary file in node.js
- nodejs-rhea - A reactive messaging library based on the AMQP protocol
- nodejs-right-align - Right-align the text in a string
- nodejs-rndm - Random string generator
- nodejs-rollup - Next-generation ES6 module bundler
- nodejs-rollup-plugin-buble - Compile ES2015 with buble
- nodejs-rollup-plugin-commonjs - Convert CommonJS modules to ES2015
- nodejs-rollup-plugin-json - Convert .json files to ES6 modules:
- nodejs-rollup-plugin-node-resolve - Bundle third-party dependencies in node_modules
- nodejs-rollup-plugin-typescript - Seamless integration between Rollup and TypeScript
- nodejs-rollup-pluginutils - Functionality commonly needed by Rollup plugins
- nodejs-ronn - Markdown to roff/html converter
- nodejs-run-parallel-limit - Run functions in parallel with a limit on concurrent tasks
- nodejs-runforcover - Require plugin for JS code coverage
- nodejs-safe-buffer - Node.js module for a safer buffer API
- nodejs-safe-json-stringify - Prevent defined property getters from throwing errors
- nodejs-safe-regex - Detect possibly catastrophic, exponential-time regular expressions
- nodejs-safecb - Normalize callback arguments
- nodejs-samsam - Value identification and comparison functions
- nodejs-sauce-tunnel - A wrapper around the Sauce Labs tunnel jar
- nodejs-saucelabs - A wrapper around Sauce Labs REST API
- nodejs-sax - A streaming SAX-style XML parser in JavaScript for Node.js
- nodejs-scmp - Constant-time string comparison intended to be safer against timing attacks
- nodejs-secure-random - Normalize the creation of cryptographically strong random values
- nodejs-seedrandom - Seeded random number generator for Javascript
- nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
- nodejs-sentence-case - Sentence case a string
- nodejs-sentiment - AFINN-based sentiment analysis for Node.js
- nodejs-seq - An asynchronous flow control library
- nodejs-sequencify - A module for sequencing tasks and dependencies
- nodejs-serialize-error - Serialize an error into a plain object
- nodejs-serve-index - Middleware for serving directory listings for Node.js and Connect
- nodejs-server-destroy - Enable destroying a server, and all currently open connections
- nodejs-set-blocking - Set blocking stdio and stderr ensuring that terminal output does not truncate
- nodejs-set-getter - Create nested getter properties and any intermediary paths
- nodejs-set-immediate - A shim for the setImmediate API
- nodejs-set-immediate-shim - Simple setImmediate shim
- nodejs-set-value - Create nested values and any intermediaries using dot notation (a.b.c) paths
- nodejs-setimmediate - A shim for the setImmediate efficient script yielding API
- nodejs-setprototypeof - A small polyfill for Object.setprototypeof
- nodejs-sha - Check and get file hashes
- nodejs-shallow-clone - Make a shallow clone of an object, array or primitive
- nodejs-shebang-command - Get the command from a shebang
- nodejs-shebang-regex - Regular expression for matching a shebang line
- nodejs-shelljs - Portable Unix shell commands for Node.js
- nodejs-shelljs-nodecli - ShellJS Node CLI Extension
- nodejs-should - A test framework agnostic BDD-style assertions for Node.js
- nodejs-should-equal - Deep comparison of two instances for should.js
- nodejs-should-format - Formatting of objects for should.js
- nodejs-should-http - Http requests, response assertions for should.js
- nodejs-should-promised - Some sort of promise assertion helpers
- nodejs-should-type - Simple module to get instance type
- nodejs-showdown - A JavaScript port of the original Perl version of Markdown
- nodejs-sift - Function for mongodb query style array filtering
- nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
- nodejs-signal-exit - When you want to fire an event no matter how a process exits
- nodejs-simple-assert - Vanilla assertions for Node.js
- nodejs-simple-asyncify - Turns sync functions into Node.js-style async ones
- nodejs-simple-fmt - Maximally minimal string formatting library
- nodejs-simple-is - Maximally minimal type-testing library
- nodejs-simple-markdown - Javascript markdown parsing, made simple
- nodejs-single-line-log - Keep writing to the same line in the terminal
- nodejs-sinon - Test spies, stubs and mocks for JavaScript
- nodejs-sinon-chai - Extends Chai with assertions for the Sinon.JS mocking framework
- nodejs-sinon-restore - Simply adds restoreAll() to sinon
- nodejs-slash - Convert Windows backslash paths to slash paths
- nodejs-sliced - A faster alternative to [].slice.call(arguments)
- nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
- nodejs-smart-buffer - A smarter Buffer
- nodejs-snake-case - Snake case a string
- nodejs-snapdragon - Easy-to-use plugin system for parsers and compilers
- nodejs-snapdragon-capture - Snapdragon plugin that adds a capture method to the parser instance
- nodejs-snapdragon-capture-set - Plugin that adds a `.captureSet()` method to snapdragon
- nodejs-snapdragon-node - Snapdragon utility for creating a new AST node in custom code
- nodejs-snapdragon-util - Utilities for the snapdragon parser/compiler
- nodejs-snekfetch - Fast, efficient, and user-friendly http requests
- nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
- nodejs-socket-dot-io-parser - A socket.io protocol parser
- nodejs-socks-client - A SOCKS proxy client supporting SOCKS 4, 4a, and 5
- nodejs-socks-proxy-agent - A SOCKS (v4a) proxy http.Agent implementation
- nodejs-sort-keys - Sort the keys of an object
- nodejs-sorted-object - Returns a copy of an object with its keys sorted
- nodejs-source-map - Node.js library that generates and consumes source maps
- nodejs-source-map-fixtures - Simple test fixtures backed by inline source maps and source map files
- nodejs-source-map-resolve - Resolve the source map and/or sources for a generated file
- nodejs-source-map-support - Fixes stack traces for files with source maps
- nodejs-source-map-url - Tools for working with sourceMappingURL comments
- nodejs-sparkles - Namespaced global event emitter
- nodejs-spawn-sync - Prollyfill for child_process.spawnSync
- nodejs-spdx-correct - Correct invalid SPDX identifiers
- nodejs-spdx-exceptions - A list of SPDX standard license exceptions
- nodejs-spdx-expression-parse - Parse SPDX license expressions
- nodejs-spdx-license-ids - A list of SPDX license identifiers
- nodejs-spec - An event-driven JavaScript unit testing library
- nodejs-spec-js - Creates fast, prototypicaly inherited, super-calling constructors
- nodejs-speedometer - Simple speed measurement in Javascript
- nodejs-sphericalmercator - Transformations between Spherical Mercator and Lat/Lon
- nodejs-split - Split a text stream into a line stream
- nodejs-split-string - Split a string on a character except when the character is escaped
- nodejs-split2 - Split a Text Stream into a Line Stream, using Stream 3
- nodejs-sprintf - JavaScript sprintf implementation
- nodejs-sprintf-js - JavaScript sprintf implementation
- nodejs-sqlite3 - Asynchronous, non-blocking SQLite3 bindings for Node.js
- nodejs-srs - Spatial reference parser for Node.js
- nodejs-ssri - Standard Subresource Integrity library
- nodejs-stable - A stable array sort for JavaScript
- nodejs-stack-trace - Node.js module to get v8 stack traces as an array of CallSite objects
- nodejs-stack-utils - Captures and cleans stack traces
- nodejs-static-extend - Adds a static "extend" method to a class, to simplify inheritance
- nodejs-static-favicon - Favicon serving middleware with caching for Node.js and Connect
- nodejs-statuses - HTTP status utility
- nodejs-step - A simple control-flow library for Node.js
- nodejs-stream-combiner - Turn a pipeline into a single stream
- nodejs-stream-consume - Consume a stream to ensure it keeps flowing
- nodejs-stream-counter - Keeps track of how many bytes have been written to a stream
- nodejs-stream-each - Iterate all the data in a stream
- nodejs-stream-pair - Create two coupled streams
- nodejs-stream-reduce - Reduce stream data to a single value
- nodejs-stream-replace - Replace text in a stream
- nodejs-stream-shift - Returns the next buffer/object in a stream's readable queue
- nodejs-stream-spigot - Testing or converting simple functions into Readable streams
- nodejs-stream-to-array - Concatenate a readable stream's data into a single array
- nodejs-stream-transform - Object transformations implementing the Node.js 'stream.Transform' API
- nodejs-streamsearch - Streaming Boyer-Moore-Horspool searching for node.js
- nodejs-streamsink - Pipe to a buffer, then create readable streams from it
- nodejs-streamtest - Streams test library
- nodejs-string - Enhancements to the vanilla JavasScript string
- nodejs-string-dot-prototype-dot-repeat - A robust & optimized `String.prototype.repeat` polyfill
- nodejs-string-dot-prototype-dot-trim - ES5 spec-compliant shim for String.prototype.trim
- nodejs-string-width - Get the visual width of a string
- nodejs-string_decoder - The string_decoder module from Node core
- nodejs-stringmap - Fast and robust stringmap
- nodejs-stringscanner - StringScanner performs lexical scanning operations on a string
- nodejs-stringset - Fast and robust stringset
- nodejs-stringstream - Encode and decode streams into string streams
- nodejs-strip-ansi - Strip ANSI escape codes (used for colorizing strings in the terminal)
- nodejs-strip-bom - Strip UTF-8 byte order mark (BOM) from a string/buffer
- nodejs-strip-bom-stream - Strip UTF-8 byte order mark (BOM) from a stream
- nodejs-strip-bom-string - Strip a byte order mark (BOM) from a string
- nodejs-strip-color - Strip ANSI color codes from a string
- nodejs-strip-eof - Strip the End-Of-File (EOF) character from a string/buffer
- nodejs-strip-indent - Strip leading whitespace from every line in a string
- nodejs-strip-json-comments - Strip comments from JSON
- nodejs-strip-path - Strip a path from a path
- nodejs-strscanner - Lexical string analysis for javascript
- nodejs-stylus - Robust, expressive, and feature-rich CSS super-set for Node.js
- nodejs-success-symbol - Cross-platform success symbol
- nodejs-superagent - A small, progressive client-side HTTP request library
- nodejs-supertest - A superagent driven library for testing HTTP servers
- nodejs-supervisor - A supervisor program for running nodejs programs
- nodejs-supports-color - Detect whether a terminal supports color
- nodejs-suspend - Async control-flow for Node.js using ES6 generators
- nodejs-svgo - Nodejs-based tool for optimizing SVG vector graphics files
- nodejs-swap-case - Swap the case of a string
- nodejs-symbol-observable - Symbol.observable ponyfill
- nodejs-tad - JavaScript test suite
- nodejs-tap - A Test Anything Protocol library
- nodejs-tap-mocha-reporter - Format a TAP stream using Mocha's set of reporters
- nodejs-tap-out - A different tap parser
- nodejs-tap-parser - Parse the test anything protocol
- nodejs-tapes - A more robust tap-producing test harness for node and browsers
- nodejs-tar-stream - A streaming tar parser and generator
- nodejs-temp-dir - Get the real path of the system temp directory
- nodejs-tempfile - Get a random temporary file path
- nodejs-temporary - An easy way to create temporary files and directories
- nodejs-tern-liferay - Tern plugin for Liferay JavaScript API
- nodejs-terst - A JavaScript testing component with a terse syntax
- nodejs-test - (Un)CommonJS test runner
- nodejs-testdata-w3c-json-form - Test data intended to be used by people building query parsers
- nodejs-testswarm - A Node.js module for interacting with TestSwarm
- nodejs-text-extensions - List of text file extensions
- nodejs-text-table - Generate borderless text table strings suitable for printing to stdout
- nodejs-thenify - Promisify a callback-based function
- nodejs-thenify-all - Promisifies all the selected functions in an object
- nodejs-thread-sleep - A module for when you just need node to back off for a few milliseconds
- nodejs-through - Simplified stream construction for Node.js
- nodejs-through2 - Node streams2 Transform wrapper to avoid explicit subclassing noise
- nodejs-through2-filter - A through2 to create an Array.prototype.filter analog for streams
- nodejs-thunkify - Turn callbacks, arrays, generators, and more into thunks
- nodejs-tildify - Convert an absolute path to a tilde path
- nodejs-tilelive - Frontend for various tile backends, mapnik and mbtiles
- nodejs-tiletype - Detect common map tile formats from a buffer
- nodejs-time-diff - Returns the formatted time difference between start and end times
- nodejs-time-stamp - Get a formatted timestamp
- nodejs-timed-out - Timeout HTTP/HTTPS requests
- nodejs-timekeeper - Easy testing of time-dependent code
- nodejs-timers-ext - Timers extensions
- nodejs-tiny-lr-fork - A tiny LiveReload server implementation you can spawn in the background
- nodejs-tinycolor - A to-the-point color module for node
- nodejs-tippex - Find and erase strings and comments in JavaScript code
- nodejs-title-case - Title case a string
- nodejs-tlds - List of TLDs
- nodejs-tmatch - This module exists to facilitate the `t.match()` method in `tap`
- nodejs-tmpl - JavaScript micro templates
- nodejs-to-absolute-glob - Make a glob pattern absolute
- nodejs-to-array - Turn an array like into an array
- nodejs-to-object-path - Create an object path from a list or array of strings
- nodejs-to-regex - Generate a regex from a string or array of strings
- nodejs-to-regex-range - Returns a regex-compatible range from two numbers, min and max
- nodejs-toidentifier - Convert a string of words to a JavaScript identifier
- nodejs-touch - Like touch(1) in node
- nodejs-tough-cookie - RFC6265 Cookies and Cookie Jar for Node.js
- nodejs-tracejs - Expand Error.stack traces into usable objects providing context
- nodejs-transformers - String/Data transformations for Node.js
- nodejs-traverse - Traverse and transform objects
- nodejs-treeify - Converts a JS object into a nice and readable tree
- nodejs-tressa - A little test utility
- nodejs-trim - Trim string whitespace
- nodejs-trim-newlines - Trim newlines from the start and/or end of a string
- nodejs-trim-off-newlines - Similar to String#trim() but removes only newlines
- nodejs-trivial-deferred - The most dead-simple trivial Deferred implementation
- nodejs-try-open - Tries to open a file using fs.openSync, fails gracefully
- nodejs-try-thread-sleep - Use thread-sleep if native compilation succeeded, otherwise it's a noop
- nodejs-tryor - Return fn() or default value (in case of exception)
- nodejs-tsame - The logic behind tap's t.same() and t.strictSame()
- nodejs-tslib - Runtime library for TypeScript helper functions
- nodejs-tsscmp - Timing safe string compare using double HMAC
- nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
- nodejs-tv4 - A public domain JSON Schema validator for JavaScript
- nodejs-tweetnacl - Port of TweetNaCl cryptographic library to JavaScript
- nodejs-tweetnacl-util - Some string encoding utilities
- nodejs-type-check - Allows you to check the types of JavaScript values at runtime
- nodejs-type-detect - Improved typeof detection for Node.js and the browser
- nodejs-type-is - Infer the content-type of a request
- nodejs-type-name - Just a reasonable typeof
- nodejs-typeahead.js - Autocomplete library for JavaScript
- nodejs-typedarray - TypedArray polyfill for old browsers
- nodejs-typescript - A language for application scale JavaScript development
- nodejs-uc-dot-micro - Micro subset of unicode data files for markdown-it projects
- nodejs-uglify-to-browserify - A transform to make UglifyJS work in browserify
- nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group name to a UID/GID number
- nodejs-uid-safe - URL and cookie safe UIDs
- nodejs-uid2 - Node.js module to generate strong unique IDs
- nodejs-ultron - Ultron is a high-intelligence robot
- nodejs-umask - Convert umask from string <-> number
- nodejs-unc-path-regex - Regular expression to test if a file path is a windows UNC path
- nodejs-underscore - JavaScript's functional programming helper library
- nodejs-underscore-dot-logger - Cross-browser and Node.js empowered logging
- nodejs-underscore-dot-string - String manipulation extensions for the Underscore.js JavaScript library
- nodejs-unicode-7.0.0 - JavaScript-compatible Unicode 7.0.0 data
- nodejs-unicode-length - Get the length of unicode strings
- nodejs-union - A hybrid streaming middleware kernel backwards compatible with connect
- nodejs-union-value - Set an array of unique values as the property of an object
- nodejs-unique-filename - Generate a unique filename for use in temporary directories or caches
- nodejs-unique-slug - Generate a unique character string suitable for use in files and URLs
- nodejs-unique-stream - A node.js through stream that emits a unique stream of objects
- nodejs-unique-temp-dir - Provides a uniquely named temp directory
- nodejs-unpipe - Unpipe a stream from all destinations
- nodejs-unset-value - Delete nested properties from an object using dot notation
- nodejs-unzip-response - Unzip a HTTP response if needed
- nodejs-upper-case - Upper case a string
- nodejs-upper-case-first - Upper case the first character of a string
- nodejs-uri-js - URI parsing/validating/resolving library for Javascript
- nodejs-uri-path - Convert relative file system paths into safe URI paths
- nodejs-urix - Makes Windows-style paths more unix and URI friendly
- nodejs-url-join - Join all arguments together and normalize the resulting url
- nodejs-url-parse-lax - The url.parse() with support for protocol-less URLs & IPs
- nodejs-url2 - The Node.js URL module plus relative paths
- nodejs-use - Easily add plugin support to your node.js application
- nodejs-user-home - Get the path to the user home directory
- nodejs-utf8 - A well-tested UTF-8 encoder/decoder written in JavaScript
- nodejs-utfx - A compact library to encode, decode and convert UTF8 / UTF16
- nodejs-util - Node.JS util module
- nodejs-util-deprecate - The Node.js `util.deprecate()` function with browser support
- nodejs-util-extend - Node's internal object extension function
- nodejs-util-inspect - A cross-browser node.js util.inspect module
- nodejs-utilities - A classic collection of JavaScript utilities
- nodejs-utils-merge - Node.js module to merge properties between objects
- nodejs-uuid - Rigorous implementation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs
- nodejs-vali-date - Validate a date
- nodejs-validate-npm-package-license - Validates an npm package license string
- nodejs-validate-npm-package-name - Give me a string and I'll tell you if it's a valid npm package name
- nodejs-vary - Node.js module to Manipulate the HTTP Vary header
- nodejs-vasync - Utilities for observable asynchronous control flow
- nodejs-verror - Richer JavaScript errors
- nodejs-vhost - Virtual domain hosting middleware for Node.js and Connect
- nodejs-vinyl - A virtual file format
- nodejs-vlq - Generate, and decode, base64 VLQ mappings for source maps and other uses
- nodejs-vow - Promises/A+ proposal compatible promises library
- nodejs-vow-queue - Vow-based task queue
- nodejs-vows - Asynchronous behavior-driven development (BDD) and continuous integration
- nodejs-walkdir - Walks a directory tree emitting events based on what it finds
- nodejs-walker - A simple directory tree walker
- nodejs-ware - Easily create your own middleware layer
- nodejs-warning-symbol - Cross-platform warning symbol
- nodejs-watchit - A sensible wrapper around fs.watch for Node.js
- nodejs-watershed - A simple websockets (RFC6455) client and server
- nodejs-wbuf - Write buffer
- nodejs-wcwidth - Port of C's wcwidth() and wcswidth()
- nodejs-weak-map - A WeakMap shim for Node.js and browsers
- nodejs-websocket-driver - WebSocket protocol handler with pluggable I/O for Node.js
- nodejs-when - A lightweight Promises/A+ and when() implementation
- nodejs-whet-dot-extend - A sharped version of port of jQuery.extend
- nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
- nodejs-win-spawn - Spawn for node.js but in a way that works regardless of which OS you're using
- nodejs-window-size - Get the height and width of the terminal in a node.js environment
- nodejs-with - Compile time `with` for strict mode JavaScript
- nodejs-wolfy87-eventemitter - Event based JavaScript for the browser
- nodejs-woothee - User-Agent string parser (js implementation)
- nodejs-wordwrap - Word wrapping library for node
- nodejs-wrap-ansi - Wordwrap a string with ANSI escape codes
- nodejs-wrap-fn - Support sync, async, and generator functions
- nodejs-wrappy - Callback wrapping utility
- nodejs-write-file-atomic - Write files in an atomic fashion w/configurable ownership
- nodejs-write-json-file - Stringify and write JSON to a file atomically
- nodejs-write-pkg - Write a package.json file
- nodejs-ws - Web socket client, server and console for nodejs
- nodejs-xdg-basedir - A JavaScript library to work with XDG Base Directory paths
- nodejs-xml2js - Simple XML to JavaScript object converter
- nodejs-xmlbuilder - An XML builder for Node.js
- nodejs-xmldom - A W3C Standard XML DOM implementation and parser
- nodejs-xmlhttprequest - XMLHttpRequest for Node
- nodejs-xregexp - Extended JavaScript regular expressions
- nodejs-xtend - Extend like a boss
- nodejs-y18n - The bare-bones internationalization library used by yargs
- nodejs-yallist - Yet Another Linked List
- nodejs-yamlish - Parser/encoder for the yamlish format
- nodejs-yapool - Yet Another object pool in JavaScript
- nodejs-yargs - Light-weight option parsing with an argv hash
- nodejs-yargs-parser - The mighty option parser used by yargs
- nodejs-yauzl - Yet another unzip library for node
- nodejs-yeast - Tiny but linear growing unique id generator
- nodejs-yn - Parse yes/no like values
- nodejs-zap - A tiny test runner
- nodejs-zeropad - Zeropad your integers with optional n-length padding
- nodejs-zipfile - C++ library for handling zipfiles in Node.js
- nodeunit - Easy asynchronous unit testing framework for Node.js
- nodoka-theme-gnome - The Nodoka Theme Pack for Gnome
- nogravity - Space shooter in 3D
- nogravity-data - Data files for No Gravity
- nomacs - Lightweight image viewer
- nomarch - Free de-archiver for old ARC and ARK archives
- nordic-gtk-theme - Dark Gtk+ theme created using the awesome Nord color pallete
- nordic-polar-gtk-theme - Dark polar Gtk3.20+ theme created using the awesome Nord color pallete
- nordzy-cursor-theme - Cursor theme using the Nord color palette
- nordzy-icon-theme - Icon theme using the Nord color palette
- normalize - Tool for adjusting the volume of audio files to a standard level
- notejot - Stupidly-simple sticky notes applet
- notepadqq - An advanced text editor for developers
- notes-up - Markdown notes editor & manager
- notification-daemon - Desktop Notification Daemon
- notification-daemon-engine-nodoka - The Nodoka theme engine for the notification daemon
- notify-python - Python bindings for libnotify
- notify-sharp - A C# implementation for Desktop Notifications
- notify-sharp3 - A C# implementation for Desktop Notifications
- notmuch - System for indexing, searching, and tagging email
- novprog - Tool to graph your progress in writing a NaNoWriMo style novel
- npapi-vlc - NPAPI plugin for libvlc
- npth - The New GNU Portable Threads library
- nrpe - Host/service/network monitoring agent for Nagios
- ns-bola-fonts - Chunky Geometric Fonts
- ns-tiza-chalk-fonts - Chalky slab-serif fonts
- nsgenbind - A tool to generate JavaScript to DOM bindings
- nspluginwrapper - A compatibility layer for Netscape 4 plugins
- nspr - Netscape Portable Runtime
- nss - Network Security Services
- nss-mdns - glibc plugin for .local name resolution
- nss-pam-ldapd - An nsswitch module which uses directory servers
- nss-pem - PEM file reader for Network Security Services (NSS)
- nss-softokn - Network Security Services Softoken Module
- nss-util - Network Security Services Utilities Library
- nss_compat_ossl - Source-level compatibility library for OpenSSL to NSS porting
- nss_wrapper - A wrapper for the user, group and hosts NSS API
- ntfs-3g - Linux NTFS userspace driver
- ntfs-3g-system-compression - NTFS-3G plugin for reading "system compressed" files
- ntl - High-performance algorithms for vectors, matrices, and polynomials
- ntp - The NTP daemon and utilities
- ntpsec - The Network Time Protocol suite, refactored
- nudoku - Ncurses based Sudoku game
- nuget - Package manager for .Net/Mono development platform
- numactl - Library for tuning for Non Uniform Memory Access machines
- numad - NUMA user daemon
- numatop - Memory access locality characterization and analysis
- numix-gtk-theme - Numix is a GTK+ theme for GNOME, Xfce and Openbox
- numix-icon-theme - Numix icon theme
- numix-icon-theme-circle - Numix-Circle icon theme
- numix-icon-theme-square - Numix-Square icon theme
- numix-kde-theme - Numix theme for KDE.
- numlockx - Turns on NumLock after starting X
- numpy - A fast multidimensional array facility for Python
- numpy3 - A fast multidimensional array facility for Python
- nunit - Unit test framework for CLI
- nunit2 - Unit test framework for CLI
- nuntius - Get notifications from the phone or tablet
- nut - Network UPS Tools
- nut-nutrition - A nutritional Software
- nutty - A Network Utility.
- nv-codec-headers - FFmpeg version of Nvidia Codec SDK headers
- nvidia-texture-tools - Collection of image processing and texture manipulation tools
- nvidia-video-codec-sdk - Hardware accelerated video encode and decode
- nvim-ui - Gtk4 GUI for neovim
- nvml - Persistent Memory Development Kit (formerly NVML)
- nvtop - GPU process monitoring for AMD, Intel and NVIDIA
- nwipe - Securely erase disks using a variety of recognized methods
- nx-libs - NX X11 protocol compression libraries
- nyancat - Nyancat rendered in your terminal