LXDE is a lightweight X11 desktop environment designed for computers with low hardware specifications like netbooks, mobile devices or older computers.
- appcenter - Software Center for the Pantheon desktop
- compton - A compositor for X11.
- dibuja - Gtk based basic paint program.
- gpicview - Simple and fast Image Viewer for X
- leafpad - GTK+ based simple text editor
- lightdm-gtk - LightDM GTK+ Greeter
- lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings - Settings editor for LightDM GTK+ Greeter
- lxappearance - Feature-rich GTK+ theme switcher for LXDE
- lxappearance-obconf - Plugin to configure Openbox inside LXAppearance
- lxde-common - Default configuration files for LXDE
- lxinput - Keyboard and mouse settings dialog for LXDE
- lxlauncher - Open source replacement for Launcher on the EeePC
- lxmenu-data - Data files for the LXDE menu
- lxpanel - A lightweight X11 desktop panel
- lxpolkit - Simple PolicyKit authentication agent
- lxrandr - Simple monitor configuration tool
- lxsession - Lightweight X11 session manager
- lxsession-edit - Simple GUI to configure what’s automatically started in LXDE
- lxtask - Lightweight and desktop independent task manager
- lxterminal - Desktop-independent VTE-based terminal emulator
- netsurf - A multi-platform web browser
- network-manager-applet - A network control and status applet for NetworkManager
- notification-daemon - Desktop Notification Daemon
- numix-gtk-theme - Numix is a GTK+ theme for GNOME, Xfce and Openbox
- numix-icon-theme - Numix icon theme
- obconf-qt - A configuration editor for the OpenBox window manager
- openbox - A highly configurable and standards-compliant X11 window manager
- pavucontrol - Volume control for PulseAudio
- pcmanfm - Extremly fast and lightweight file manager
- perl-File-MimeInfo - Determine file type and open application
- picom - Compositor for X11, active fork
- pk-update-icon - Icon notification for PackageKit
- pnmixer - Lightweight mixer applet
- workrave - Program that assists in the recovery and prevention of RSI
- xdg-user-dirs-gtk - GNOME integration of special directories
- xpad - Sticky notepad for GTK
- yumex - Yum Extender graphical package management tool