Sound and Video
From CD recording to playing audio CDs and multimedia files, this package group allows you to work with sound and video on the system.
- aqualung - Music Player for GNU/Linux
- avidemux - Graphical video editing and transcoding tool
- celluloid - A simple GTK+ frontend for mpv
- clapper - Level up your video experience with a modern and user-friendly media player
- flacon - Audio File Encoder
- flowblade - Multitrack non-linear video editor for Linux
- gstreamer1-libav - GStreamer 1.0 libav-based plug-ins
- gstreamer1-plugins-good - GStreamer plugins with good code and licensing
- gstreamer1-plugins-ugly - GStreamer 1.0 streaming media framework "ugly" plug-ins
- kdenlive - Non-linear video editor
- minitube - A YouTube desktop client
- mkvtoolnix-gui - QT Graphical interface for Matroska container manipulation
- mpc-qt - A clone of Media Player Classic reimplemented in Qt
- mpv - Movie player playing most video formats and DVDs
- musique - A music player designed by and for people that love music
- openshot-qt - A Qt based non-linear video editor
- parole - Media player for the Xfce Desktop
- qmmp - Qt6-based multimedia player
- qmplay2 - A Qt based media player, streamer and downloader
- shotcut - Cross-platform and open-source video editor
- strawberry - Audio player and music collection organizer
- xfmpc - A MPD client for the Xfce desktop environment
- yt-dlp - A youtube-dl fork with additional features and fixes