Letter P

perl-Data-TreeDumper-Renderer-GTK - Gtk3::TreeView renderer for Data::TreeDumper

Website: https://metacpan.org/release/Data-TreeDumper-Renderer-GTK
License: GPL-1.0-or-later OR Artistic-1.0-Perl
Vendor: Alcance Libre, Inc.
GTK-perl renderer for Data::TreeDumper.

This widget is the GUI equivalent of Data::TreeDumper; it will display a
perl data structure in a TreeView, allowing you to fold and unfold child
data structures and get a quick feel for what's where. Right-clicking
anywhere in the view brings up a context menu, from which the user can
choose to expand or collapse all items.


perl-Data-TreeDumper-Renderer-GTK-0.03-1.aldos.noarch [13 KiB] Changelog by Joel Barrios (2023-11-03):
- Update to 0.03.

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-6.fc14.al